guardian / dotcom-rendering

The Guardian web rendering service (aka DCR/DCAR)
Apache License 2.0
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Infra improvements post AWS reservations #10887

Open cemms1 opened 3 months ago

cemms1 commented 3 months ago

Follow-up ticket from

AWS reservations calculation here:

We can save money on instances by decreasing the number of running instances in periods of low traffic and increase in periods of high traffic. We currently set the desired number of instances as the same as the minimum number of instances. If we instead allow the minimum to be much lower than our standard desired level, we can adjust the scaling policy to more dynamically scale our apps up and down according to traffic at different times of the day.

- [x] Reduce instance size of `newsletters-api` and `newsletters-tool` to `t4g.micro` (
- [ ]
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- [ ] Adjust scaling policy for DCR app to dynamically scale up and down according to latency metric (ie the minimum instances should not always be the _desired_ number of instances)
- [ ] Downsize instances after monitoring performance
alinaboghiu commented 3 months ago

Since reservations expire on the 26th we can now pick this work up