guardian / dotcom-rendering

The Guardian web rendering service (aka DCR/DCAR)
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Latest articles where `iframe` have no titles #5510

Open mxdvl opened 2 years ago

mxdvl commented 2 years ago

List of iframes with missing titles

Note Do not attempt to fix these individually. This is a list to track recent issues This list is generated from CAPI




mxdvl commented 2 years ago

Excellent work with @DanielCliftonGuardian, @OllysCoding and @AshCorr meant we fixed the all the Youtube iframe titles in one fell swoop!

VDuczekW commented 1 year ago

@rhiannareechaye to speak to CP and Calvin to see if we need this and where it sits - not so much of an issue

rhiannareechaye commented 1 year ago

Hey team - with this ticket i was going to speak to CP & Tools to share our findings with them, however what would be the aim of this, i.e. what's the end goal we'd like to achieve with this? Is the idea that we'd need some flag in composer which would require an iframe title/caption? @mxdvl and @bryophyta

bryophyta commented 1 year ago

I can't actually remember right now (though Max or others might remember better than me!)

I agree that we should get clear amongst ourselves what outcome we'd like before arranging the meeting though. Is it something that we want to prioritise this sprint?