guardian / homebrew-devtools

A homebrew tap containing dev tools for the Guardian
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install vpn-slice once #60

Closed akash1810 closed 3 years ago

akash1810 commented 3 years ago

What does this change?

Add vpn-slice as a dependency of gu-vpn allowing it to be installed once through brew as opposed to each time gvpn is run. This makes gvpn that much faster.

Also checks that the script was run as root and fails fast otherwise; see

Lastly, adjusts CI as the node version that comes in the virtual environment has moved on since the last time CI was run. We should work out how to automatically keep up, but that's a concern for another PR. Furthermore, awscli has also recently been added to the virtual environment, so remove that too.

There's an argument to be made that this script should no longer be used, however it's super helpful for those of us who have updated to BigSur w/out realising our VPN or AV clients don't yet fully support it (may or may not be me... 😅 ).