guardian / pasteup

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Define a new reset #1

Closed ahume closed 12 years ago

ahume commented 12 years ago

There's a reset in R2 (common/styles/reset-guardian.css), which is quite limited (which I personally like), but has some odd unwanted things in it like setting auto margins on #wrapper.

Do we want a reset? Do we want to re-purpose the existing one, or look at something like Eric Meyer's reset, or HTML5 bolierplate resets?

ahume commented 12 years ago

James, I assigned to you, as you'll likely end up checking the first code into here, and it's forms which you might want to do a bit of reset on.

jamesgorrie commented 12 years ago

I think this is worth being a new one, to which Meyer's is a pretty good start. I say we use that and adapt it as needed. It includes the very basic HTML5 stuff, to which we don't need any more.

mattandrews commented 12 years ago

Meyer's one does things like set em/i/strong/b to "normal" text formatting, which I appreciate the semantic rationale behind but in all probability we'll end up immediately redefining them to their defaults. It's probably worth looking at tweaking it a little (as he recommends).

Oh yes, James is great

icodesido commented 12 years ago

The reasoning behind building our own reset was the economy of not redefining elements that we were not going to use, so I agree with Matt. Our page weight is gigantic, we have to aim to reduce by however little, regardless of hard that makes our lives.

jamesgorrie commented 12 years ago

Yes, this should be cut down. I just put it in as a starting point. I'll be doing this in the next couple of days.

Also, I forgot to add: I hereby announce that I, James Gorrie, am in fact a cretin of the highest order. If this comment is ever edited for any reason, this fact remains true in perpetuity.

icodesido commented 12 years ago

How is that different to extending our reset.css? That was tailored for the current site.

jamesgorrie commented 12 years ago

Yes, this, firstly is not for the current site, but to be used across multiple projects. Also, I've barely started, so give me a second.

mattandrews commented 12 years ago

I don't know who edited that comment about James being a cretin but it definitely wasn't me.

icodesido commented 12 years ago

And I didn't call Matt an ass, I think this suppository has been hacked.

ahume commented 12 years ago

Closing - we have a reset. Feel free to make a case for removing any bits of it we don't need (sooner rather than later), but I think it's a good starting point.