guardian / riff-raff

The Guardian's deployment platform
Apache License 2.0
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chore(deps): Non-AWS dependency updates #1328

Closed gu-scala-steward-public-repos[bot] closed 3 months ago

gu-scala-steward-public-repos[bot] commented 4 months ago

About this PR



Please merge!

I'll automatically update this PR to resolve conflicts as long as you don't change it yourself.

If you have any feedback, just mention me in the comments below.

Configure Scala Steward for your repository with a .scala-steward.conf file.

Have a fantastic day writing Scala!

🔍 Files still referring to the old version numbers The following files still refer to the old version numbers. You might want to review and update them manually. ``` project/Dependencies.scala riff-raff/public/stylesheets/bootstrap-slate.min.css ```
⚙ Adjust future updates Add these to your `.scala-steward.conf` file to ignore future updates of these dependencies: ``` updates.ignore = [ { groupId = "ch.epfl.scala", artifactId = "sbt-scalafix" }, { groupId = "ch.qos.logback", artifactId = "logback-classic" }, { groupId = "com.adrianhurt", artifactId = "play-bootstrap" }, { groupId = "com.eed3si9n", artifactId = "sbt-buildinfo" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core", artifactId = "jackson-annotations" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core", artifactId = "jackson-core" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core", artifactId = "jackson-databind" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat", artifactId = "jackson-dataformat-cbor" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat", artifactId = "jackson-dataformat-yaml" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype", artifactId = "jackson-datatype-jdk8" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype", artifactId = "jackson-datatype-jsr310" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.module", artifactId = "jackson-module-parameter-names" }, { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.module", artifactId = "jackson-module-scala" }, { groupId = "", artifactId = "google-cloud-storage" }, { groupId = "", artifactId = "aws-parameterstore-sdk-v2" }, { groupId = "", artifactId = "play-v30" }, { groupId = "com.typesafe.sbt", artifactId = "sbt-coffeescript" }, { groupId = "com.typesafe.sbt", artifactId = "sbt-digest" }, { groupId = "com.typesafe.sbt", artifactId = "sbt-less" }, { groupId = "org.mockito", artifactId = "mockito-scala" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-ahc-ws" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-filters-helpers" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-jdbc" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-jdbc-evolutions" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-logback" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-pekko-http-server" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-server" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-test" }, { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "sbt-plugin" }, { groupId = "org.postgresql", artifactId = "postgresql" }, { groupId = "org.scala-lang", artifactId = "scala-library" }, { groupId = "org.scala-sbt", artifactId = "sbt" }, { groupId = "org.scalameta", artifactId = "scalafmt-core" }, { groupId = "org.scalatest", artifactId = "scalatest" }, { groupId = "org.scalikejdbc", artifactId = "scalikejdbc" }, { groupId = "org.scanamo", artifactId = "scanamo" }, { groupId = "org.webjars", artifactId = "bootstrap" } ] ``` Or, add these to slow down future updates of these dependencies: ``` dependencyOverrides = [ { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "ch.epfl.scala", artifactId = "sbt-scalafix" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "ch.qos.logback", artifactId = "logback-classic" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.adrianhurt", artifactId = "play-bootstrap" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.eed3si9n", artifactId = "sbt-buildinfo" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core", artifactId = "jackson-annotations" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core", artifactId = "jackson-core" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.core", artifactId = "jackson-databind" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat", artifactId = "jackson-dataformat-cbor" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat", artifactId = "jackson-dataformat-yaml" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype", artifactId = "jackson-datatype-jdk8" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype", artifactId = "jackson-datatype-jsr310" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.module", artifactId = "jackson-module-parameter-names" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.fasterxml.jackson.module", artifactId = "jackson-module-scala" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "", artifactId = "google-cloud-storage" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "", artifactId = "aws-parameterstore-sdk-v2" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "", artifactId = "play-v30" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.typesafe.sbt", artifactId = "sbt-coffeescript" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.typesafe.sbt", artifactId = "sbt-digest" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "com.typesafe.sbt", artifactId = "sbt-less" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.mockito", artifactId = "mockito-scala" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-ahc-ws" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-filters-helpers" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-jdbc" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-jdbc-evolutions" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-logback" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-pekko-http-server" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-server" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "play-test" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.playframework", artifactId = "sbt-plugin" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.postgresql", artifactId = "postgresql" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.scala-lang", artifactId = "scala-library" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.scala-sbt", artifactId = "sbt" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.scalameta", artifactId = "scalafmt-core" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.scalatest", artifactId = "scalatest" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.scalikejdbc", artifactId = "scalikejdbc" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.scanamo", artifactId = "scanamo" } }, { pullRequests = { frequency = "30 days" }, dependency = { groupId = "org.webjars", artifactId = "bootstrap" } } ] ```

labels: dependencies, sbt-plugin-update, library-update, test-library-update, early-semver-major, semver-spec-minor, early-semver-minor, early-semver-pre-release, semver-spec-pre-release, early-semver-patch, semver-spec-patch, version-scheme:early-semver, semver-spec-major, artifact-migrations, old-version-remains, commit-count:n:17