guardian / scribe

DEPRECATED: A rich text editor framework for the web platform
Apache License 2.0
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Prevent nested lists #127

Open mitar opened 10 years ago

mitar commented 10 years ago

Sanitizer does not seem to be able to prevent nested lists?

theefer commented 10 years ago

No, we need richer configurability for that, such as allowing specifying a grammar (e.g. what element may occur within what element, etc). We've talked about it, but haven't prioritised it. With the current toolbar plugin, I don't think you can create nested list, but I think they'd remain if you pasted some in. Is this something you need?

OliverJAsh commented 10 years ago


mitar commented 10 years ago

So the issue is that user can create list with current toolbar, then select the list created and paste it again in and a nested list appears. In fact this is confusing, because user probably just wanted to add more points to an existing list by copy-pasting. (At least this is what I wanted to do and then I got a nested list, which surprised me.)