guardian / scribe

DEPRECATED: A rich text editor framework for the web platform
Apache License 2.0
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Update scribe plugins. #245

Closed bradvogel closed 10 years ago

bradvogel commented 10 years ago

scribe-plugin-curly-quotes 0.1.7 scribe-plugin-smart-lists 0.1.4

hmgibson23 commented 10 years ago

I think you've accidentally added all the bower components. These should be in, so could you get rid of them?

bradvogel commented 10 years ago

Yes, I also thought it was odd - I was just following what was done before, e.g.

Updated to add bower_components to gitignore (like what was done in master).

hmgibson23 commented 10 years ago

Sorry. I was looking at the wrong branch! I thought this was going to master. We do actually need the bower_components in this branch as this is what goes on Github. If you undo your previous commit I'll happily merge this in.

bradvogel commented 10 years ago

Ok done.

hmgibson23 commented 10 years ago

Great. Thank :+1: