guardian / scribe

DEPRECATED: A rich text editor framework for the web platform
Apache License 2.0
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Paste images from clipboard #424

Open dandv opened 9 years ago

dandv commented 9 years ago

Just discovered Scribe and love the tight scope. I too was looking for image support, more precisely pasting images from clipboard the way Slack, Imgur, GitHub etc. allow.

So far I've only found this plugin, which seems to only take images accessible at a URL.

I'm comparing WYSIWYG editors and have been looking for this feature.

rrees commented 8 years ago

Hi @dandv this would definitely be implemented as a plugin rather than core functionality. I assume you would want to be able to drag an image onto a Scribe instance and have been translated into an img element?

oyeanuj commented 8 years ago

@rrees I came across this while looking for a scribe plugin which does the same. Could you guide on how to implement this or does this exist as a plugin in your knowledge?

sandys commented 8 years ago

Hi, I'm looking for a plugin that can handle image upload (to Amazon s3) as well as alignment of images.

Do you guys have a plugin that does this ? It's a little hard to grow the image functionality to implement it ourselves.