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NPM releases improvements #502

Closed nazar-pc closed 6 years ago

nazar-pc commented 7 years ago

Currently NPM version contains everything from this repository as is, however examples, tests and utility scripts are not necessary in production (this would greatly decrease download size). Also there is no production builds in NPM version.

So this is an issue with 2 parts:

If you think both features are something you'd like to see I think I can tackle them both and send you a PR. Thoughts?

shaundillon commented 7 years ago

@nazar-pc This is something I've noticed too over the past few days of use. This is definitely an interesting path, and anything to improve the NPM release to at least parity with that of the bower release would be great.

shaundillon commented 6 years ago

@nazar-pc If you check out #512 We're moving towards npm only. It'll be ready soon!

nazar-pc commented 6 years ago

Better late than never, good to know there is some development in this repository. Feel free to close this issue if it is obsolete now.