Makes a few more themeing decisions to bring us closer to a Composer-ish style.
These are mainly to prove that we can do a few things –
theme both sass/emotion-based components with EUi variables, as EUI currently uses a mix (we're stuck overriding in both sass and Emotion contexts for now, but EUI does have a clear roadmap that's seen significant progress in the last few months – search that page for css-in-js conversions)
replace icons
It also fixes an issue we were having where Emotion-based globals were overriding sass globals.
How to test
Take a look. A bit closer to the angular, austere beauty of our other tooling?
What does this change?
Makes a few more themeing decisions to bring us closer to a Composer-ish style.
These are mainly to prove that we can do a few things –
css-in-js conversions
)It also fixes an issue we were having where Emotion-based globals were overriding sass globals.
How to test
Take a look. A bit closer to the angular, austere beauty of our other tooling?