guardianproject / ChatSecureAndroid

This project has ended, but ChatSecure iOS continues. For Android, please use Conversations or Zom instead
Apache License 2.0
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Voiceclips and File Attachments Not Being Received While Pictures Are Received #754

Open ml48603 opened 7 years ago

ml48603 commented 7 years ago

I am running ChatSecure v 14.2.3 on Android 4.4.2 on a two Samsung Galaxy S4 Phones, model SGH-I337. I am running Prosody XMPP server v0.9.10 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

When I send an audio clip or file attachment to a recipient, when the recipient chooses "Export" from the "Export Media File?" dialogue box, The following toast message is displayed:

"Export Failed: /2/Download/Voice-XXX.m4a: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)"

NOTE The recipient's "Export Media File?" dialogue displays the message: "This media file will be exported to /storage/emulated/0/Music/Voice+006.m4a

Upon looking in /storage/emulated/0/Music/Voice+006.m4a the file is not found.

When a file attachment is sent the recipient may or may not see a file icon in the chat window. (file attachment is unavailable to the recipient) The voice clip icon is shown when Voice clip is selected for attachment. (file attachment is unavailable to the recipient) Pictures are sent and received as expected.

What would stop the recipient from receiving the file attachment / voice clip, while allowing pictures to be received ?

bhw0822 commented 7 years ago

I have the same problem with you.Do you have already solved it?And if you make it,could you please share it?

ml48603 commented 7 years ago

I gave up on this product. I went to to get all the functionalities and security that were needed.

bhw0822 commented 7 years ago
