guardianproject / Orweb

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User agent #39

Open vershinin opened 11 years ago

vershinin commented 11 years ago

Default user agent can contain too much sensitive information, such as mobile phone model number and browser build version. This is not secure, i think orweb surely should change user agent to some anonymous format.

n8fr8 commented 11 years ago

If you set it to "Android" in the Settings, it will switch to Samsung Galaxy S2 user-agent.

You can also set to iPhone and other devices.

vershinin commented 11 years ago

Yes i see, but it should be default behaviour.

vershinin commented 11 years ago

Sorry, i haven't seen already closed bugs, there are already exist bugs concerning this issue. My bad. I think i should present a pull request.

Macil commented 11 years ago

I've got a relatively uncommon phone model which is in the user agent. Orweb defaults to using Tor, but announces something that identifiable by default? That ought to be fixed.

Macil commented 11 years ago

n8fr8: I just picked "Android (Default)" in the user agent menu (it says it's default but it wasn't already selected; in fact, nothing in the menu was selected), but it still shows my phone's specific model name in the user agent.

n8fr8 commented 11 years ago

The WebView API says that our setting should be overriding it. If it is not, then yes that is a definite bug.

Which version of Orweb are you using, and where did you install it from?

L2sGeOpfuaaoa8o commented 10 years ago

I also see this behavior, per, even when Android (default) is the user agent. Orweb v2 0.4.4a (bin) from the F-Droid store + Orbot 12.0.3 from the F-Droid store.

This flaw completely destroys any semblance of anonymity, rendering Orbot+Orweb to the level of keeping one's ISP from listening in, but allowing everyone in the world to track you if you're on a rare OS (nightly builds, for example).

Orweb team, please use Panopticlick and the other services like it to check releases on at least one OS from a community group.