guardianproject / cacert

A slightly more vetted version of the Android CACert keystore
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Backup issue #4

Closed Natanael90 closed 12 years ago

Natanael90 commented 12 years ago

I'm getting this error on trying to backup the CA certs:

Error: The keystore was not saved./data/data/[something-guardianproject-something](Is a directory) (It's annoying to write the full path from memory, and I guess you already know which one it is already anyway.)

Samsung Galaxy S, stock 2.2, rooted, Busybox (version number is something ending in 18). What could the problem be?

(A bit OT, but I'm not seeing DigiNotar, but I assume the app shows the complete list and that just means I never had that CA cert on the phone, right?)

n8fr8 commented 12 years ago

The backup issue is related to a bug from the previous build. I would wipe the app data, and restart it and it should be fine.

As for not seeing DigiNotar, yes, not all devices/ROMs has it. I believe it may have been added after 2.2.

You should check for CNNIC.

Natanael90 commented 12 years ago

"Success!" Thanks. (IIRC I don't have CNNIC in there either.)