guardianproject / haven

Haven is for people who need a way to protect their personal spaces and possessions without compromising their own privacy, through an Android app and on-device sensors
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Feature Request: ISO8601 ALL THE THINGS for date and time in logs =) #335

Closed deviantollam closed 5 years ago

deviantollam commented 5 years ago

just a personal point of mine, and it ties in to feature requests like one i mentioned in #334 ... log entries and files saved on device would be best to have in ISO8601 format YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS so that they are immediately understandable by individuals of all cultures and (more importantly) the files can be correlated to one another if a user needs to reconstruct and assemble audio and video together.

deviantollam commented 5 years ago

just for detail, right now in the /phoneypot directory we have file names like...

153507598946.mp4 detected.original1535082691448.jpg 1535082734918.m4a

... and i can't tell the events to which these correspond. in my perfect world, the files would have names like...

2018-08-23_23-50-23.jpg 2018-08-23_23-50-31.mp4 2018-08-23_23-50-31.m4a

(i mentioned this in #337 as well)

archie94 commented 5 years ago

Since #312 we have separate folder with naming convention YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS corresponding to each events. We can apply this to file names too for clarity. :+1:

deviantollam commented 5 years ago

i see this now, yes, since i'm running 0.2.0-alpha4. however, as stated in #348 the use of colons for directory names or file names causes problems when folk may wish to copy the files over from their device to a laptop or cloud-based backup solution.

instead of YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS i'd strongly recommend YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS (and i love the idea of both the individual files as well as the folders being given such names, that's awesome)

fat-tire commented 5 years ago

See if this got fixed by #351 -- note that straight up ISO8601 (or any filename that uses seconds as the smallest fraction of time) results in overwritten files... so I just added milliseconds to the end.

archie94 commented 5 years ago

I believe this is fixed and can be closed.