Open archie94 opened 5 years ago
this seems to be an issue with MaterialDateTimePicker
LeakCanary Log:
* org.havenapp.main.MonitorActivity has leaked: * array Object[].!([0])! * ↳ ObjectAnimator.!(mUpdateListeners)! * ↳ ArrayList.!(elementData)! * ↳ array Object[].!([0])! * ↳ RadialSelectorView$InvalidateUpdateListener.!(this$0)! * ↳ RadialSelectorView.mContext * ↳ ContextThemeWrapper.mBase * ↳ MonitorActivity * Reference Key: 0b6f723d-5531-476d-95f8-0dbc4e053c15 * Device: Xiaomi Xiaomi POCO F1 beryllium * Android Version: 9 API: 28 LeakCanary: 1.6.3 31007b4 * Durations: watch=37809ms, gc=174ms, heap dump=1709ms, analysis=10685ms * Details: * Array of java.lang.Object[] | [0] = android.animation.ObjectAnimator@316263376 (0x12d9cbd0) | [1] = android.animation.AnimatorSet$Node@316263512 (0x12d9cc58) | [2] = android.animation.ObjectAnimator@316263568 (0x12d9cc90) | [3] = android.animation.AnimatorSet$Node@316263704 (0x12d9cd18) | [4] = android.animation.ObjectAnimator@316263760 (0x12d9cd50) | [5] = android.animation.AnimatorSet$Node@316263896 (0x12d9cdd8) | [6] = android.animation.ValueAnimator@316263952 (0x12d9ce10) | [7] = android.animation.AnimatorSet$Node@316264080 (0x12d9ce90) | [8] = android.animation.ObjectAnimator@316264136 (0x12d9cec8) | [9] = android.animation.AnimatorSet$Node@316264272 (0x12d9cf50) | [10] = null | [11] = null | [12] = null | [13] = null | [14] = null | [15] = null * Instance of android.animation.ObjectAnimator | static $class$dexTypeIndex = 212 | static LOG_TAG = "ObjectAnimator" | static $class$status = -536870912 | static DBG = false | static $class$clinitThreadId = 0 | static $class$accessFlags = 524305 | static $class$primitiveType = 131072 | static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 136 | static $class$classLoader = null | static $class$componentType = null | static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1 | static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[4]@1889915536 (0x70a5d290) | static $class$extData = null | static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 5067 | static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 51 | static $class$superClass = android.animation.ValueAnimator | static $classOverhead = byte[344]@1890690273 (0x70b1a4e1) | static $class$sFields = 1893356264 | static $class$classSize = 473 | static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -536870425 | static $class$vtable = null | static $class$objectSize = 136 | static $class$methods = 1894313824 | static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 26 | static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912 | static $class$iFields = 1893356300 | static $class$classFlags = 0 | static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1889632816 (0x70a18230) | static $class$name = "android.animation.ObjectAnimator" | static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class | static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 3 | mAutoCancel = false | mProperty = null | mPropertyName = null | mTarget = java.lang.ref.WeakReference@320671104 (0x131d0d80) | mAnimationEndRequested = true | mCurrentFraction = 1.0 | mDuration = 500 | mDurationScale = -1.0 | mFirstFrameTime = -1 | mInitialized = true | mInterpolator = android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator@1889761552 (0x70a37910) | mLastFrameTime = -1 | mOverallFraction = 1.0 | mPauseTime = 0 | mRepeatCount = 0 | mRepeatMode = 1 | mResumed = false | mReversing = false | mRunning = false | mSeekFraction = -1.0 | mSelfPulse = false | mStartDelay = 0 | mStartListenersCalled = false | mStartTime = -1 | mStartTimeCommitted = false | mStarted = false | mSuppressSelfPulseRequested = false | mUpdateListeners = java.util.ArrayList@320671016 (0x131d0d28) | mValues = android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder[2]@320671040 (0x131d0d40) | mValuesMap = java.util.HashMap@320671064 (0x131d0d58) | mChangingConfigurations = 0 | mConstantState = null | mListeners = null | mPauseListeners = null | mPaused = false | shadow$_klass_ = android.animation.ObjectAnimator | shadow$_monitor_ = -2143708689 * Instance of java.util.ArrayList | static $class$dexTypeIndex = 1417 | static DEFAULT_CAPACITY = 10 | static $class$status = -536870912 | static $class$clinitThreadId = 0 | static $class$accessFlags = 524289 | static $class$primitiveType = 131072 | static serialVersionUID = 8683452581122892189 | static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 24 | static $class$classLoader = null | static $class$componentType = null | static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 2 | static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[12]@1883826232 (0x7048e838) | static $class$extData = null | static MAX_ARRAY_SIZE = 2147483639 | static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 3078 | static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 46 | static $class$superClass = java.util.AbstractList | static $classOverhead = byte[180]@1883852065 (0x70494d21) | static $class$sFields = 1884584396 | static $class$classSize = 328 | static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 2 | static $class$vtable = null | static $class$objectSize = 20 | static $class$methods = 1884712548 | static DEFAULTCAPACITY_EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1889733056 (0x70a309c0) | static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 15 | static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = -1449315328 | static $class$iFields = 1884584480 | static $class$classFlags = 0 | static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1883557480 (0x7044ce68) | static $class$name = "java.util.ArrayList" | static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class | static EMPTY_ELEMENTDATA = java.lang.Object[0]@1886428272 (0x70709c70) | static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1 | elementData = java.lang.Object[10]@320671688 (0x131d0fc8) | size = 1 | modCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = java.util.ArrayList | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Array of java.lang.Object[] | [0] = com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialSelectorView$InvalidateUpdateListener@320664080 (0x131cf210) | [1] = null | [2] = null | [3] = null | [4] = null | [5] = null | [6] = null | [7] = null | [8] = null | [9] = null * Instance of com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialSelectorView$InvalidateUpdateListener | static $class$dexTypeIndex = 1494 | static $class$status = -536870912 | static $class$clinitThreadId = 32583 | static $class$accessFlags = 524288 | static $class$primitiveType = 131072 | static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 16 | static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@316264424 (0x12d9cfe8) | static $class$componentType = null | static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 0 | static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[2]@318908968 (0x13022a28) | static $class$extData = null | static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 563 | static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 3 | static $class$superClass = java.lang.Object | static $classOverhead = byte[52]@318799745 (0x13007f81) | static $class$sFields = 0 | static $class$classSize = 176 | static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 1 | static $class$vtable = null | static $class$objectSize = 12 | static $class$methods = 3972994760 | static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 2 | static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 0 | static $class$iFields = 3972994736 | static $class$classFlags = 0 | static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@318698128 (0x12fef290) | static $class$name = null | static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class | static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 1 | this$0 = com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialSelectorView@319954808 (0x13121f78) | shadow$_klass_ = com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialSelectorView$InvalidateUpdateListener | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialSelectorView | static $class$dexTypeIndex = 1495 | static $class$status = -536870912 | static $class$clinitThreadId = 32583 | static $class$accessFlags = 524289 | static $class$primitiveType = 131072 | static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 552 | static FULL_ALPHA = 255 | static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@316264424 (0x12d9cfe8) | static $class$componentType = null | static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1 | static $class$ifTable= java.lang.Object[6]@318908848 (0x130229b0) | static $class$extData = null | static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 564 | static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 9 | static SELECTED_ALPHA_THEME_DARK = 255 | static $class$superClass = android.view.View | static $classOverhead = byte[3244]@318799921 (0x13008031) | static $class$sFields = 3972991712 | static $class$classSize = 3384 | static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -1073741824 | static $class$vtable = null | static $class$objectSize = 549 | static $class$methods = 3972992176 | static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 1 | static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = -1959795189 | static $class$iFields = 3972991784 | static $class$classFlags = 0 | static TAG = "RadialSelectorView" | static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@318698128 (0x12fef290) | static $class$name = "com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialSelectorView" | static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class | static SELECTED_ALPHA = 255 | static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 2 | mAmPmCircleRadiusMultiplier = 0.0 | mAnimationRadiusMultiplier = 1.3 | mCircleRadius = 315 | mCircleRadiusMultiplier = 0.85 | mDrawValuesReady = true | mForceDrawDot = true | mHasInnerCircle = true | mInnerNumbersRadiusMultiplier = 0.6 | mInvalidateUpdateListener = com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialSelectorView$InvalidateUpdateListener@320664080 (0x131cf210) | mIs24HourMode = true | mIsInitialized = true | mLineLength = 245 | mNumbersRadiusMultiplier = 0.6 | mOuterNumbersRadiusMultiplier = 0.83 | mPaint = (0x131cf220) | mSelectionAlpha = 255 | mSelectionDegrees = 0 | mSelectionRadians = 0.0 | mSelectionRadius = 50 | mSelectionRadiusMultiplier = 0.16 | mTransitionEndRadiusMultiplier = 1.3 | mTransitionMidRadiusMultiplier = 0.95 | mXCenter = 371 | mYCenter = 371 | mAccessibilityCursorPosition = -1 | mAccessibilityDelegate = null | mAccessibilityPaneTitle = null | mAccessibilityTraversalAfterId = -1 | mAccessibilityTraversalBeforeId = -1 | mAccessibilityViewId = -1 | mAnimator = null | mAttachInfo = null | mAttachedActivity = null | mAttributes = null | mAutofillHints = null | mAutofillId = null | mAutofillViewId = -1 | mBackground = null | mBackgroundRenderNode = null | mBackgroundResource = 0 | mBackgroundSizeChanged = true | mBackgroundTint = null | mBottom = 743 | mCachingFailed = false | mClipBounds = null | mContentDescription = null | mContext = android.view.ContextThemeWrapper@319951144 (0x13121128) | mCurrentAnimation = null | mDefaultFocusHighlight = null | mDefaultFocusHighlightCache = null | mDefaultFocusHighlightEnabled = true | mDefaultFocusHighlightSizeChanged = true | mDrawableState = int[3]@1890142488 (0x70a94918) | mDrawingCache = null | mDrawingCacheBackgroundColor = 0 | mFirst = true | mFloatingTreeObserver = null | mForegroundInfo = null | mFrameMetricsObservers = null | mGhostView = null | mHapticEnabledExplicitly = false | mHasPerformedLongPress = false | mID = -1 | mIgnoreNextUpEvent = false | mInContextButtonPress = false | mInputEventConsistencyVerifier = null | mIsWebView = false | mIsWebViewScroll = false | mKeyedTags = null | mLabelForId = -1 | mLastIsOpaque = false | mLayerPaint = null | mLayerType = 0 | mLayoutInsets = null | mLayoutParams = android.widget.FrameLayout$LayoutParams@320664200 (0x131cf288) | mLeft = 0 | mLeftPaddingDefined = false | mListenerInfo = null | mLongClickX = NaN | mLongClickY = NaN | mMatchIdPredicate = null | mMatchLabelForPredicate = null | mMeasureCache = android.util.LongSparseLongArray@320664256 (0x131cf2c0) | mMeasuredHeight = 743 | mMeasuredWidth = 743 | mMinHeight = 0 | mMinWidth = 0 | mNestedScrollingParent = null | mNextClusterForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusDownId = -1 | mNextFocusForwardId = -1 | mNextFocusLeftId = -1 | mNextFocusRightId = -1 | mNextFocusUpId = -1 | mOldHeightMeasureSpec = 1073742567 |mOldWidthMeasureSpec = 1073742567 | mOutlineProvider = android.view.ViewOutlineProvider$1@1889734920 (0x70a31108) | mOverScrollMode = 1 | mOverlay = null | mPaddingBottom = 0 | mPaddingLeft = 0 | mPaddingRight = 0 | mPaddingTop = 0 | mParent = com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialPickerLayout@319951256 (0x13121198) | mPendingCheckForLongPress = null | mPendingCheckForTap = null | mPerformClick = null | mPointerIcon = null | mPrivateFlags = 34864 | mPrivateFlags2 = 1610819112 | mPrivateFlags3 = 16 | mRecreateDisplayList = false | mRenderNode = android.view.RenderNode@320664280 (0x131cf2d8) | mResources = android.content.res.MiuiResources@319952032 (0x131214a0) | mRight = 743 | mRightPaddingDefined = false | mRoundScrollbarRenderer = null | mRunQueue = null | mScrollCache = null | mScrollIndicatorDrawable = null | mScrollX = 0 | mScrollY = 0 | mSendViewScrolledAccessibilityEvent = null | mSendingHoverAccessibilityEvents = false | mStartActivityRequestWho = null | mStateListAnimator = null | mSystemUiVisibility = 0 | mTag = null | mTempNestedScrollConsumed = null | mTooltipInfo = null | mTop = 0 | mTouchDelegate = null | mTouchSlop = 22 | mTransformationInfo = android.view.View$TransformationInfo@320664304 (0x131cf2f0) | mTransientStateCount = 0 | mTransitionName = null | mUnscaledDrawingCache = null | mUnsetPressedState = null | mUserPaddingBottom = 0 | mUserPaddingEnd = -2147483648 | mUserPaddingLeft = 0 | mUserPaddingLeftInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingRight = 0 | mUserPaddingRightInitial = 0 | mUserPaddingStart = -2147483648 | mVerticalScrollFactor = 0.0 | mVerticalScrollbarPosition = 0 | mViewFlags = 402653200 | mVisibilityChangeForAutofillHandler = null | mWindowAttachCount = 1 | shadow$_klass_ = com.wdullaer.materialdatetimepicker.time.RadialSelectorView | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of android.view.ContextThemeWrapper | static $class$dexTypeIndex = 4626 | static $class$status = -536870912 | static $class$clinitThreadId = 0 | static $class$accessFlags = 524289 | static $class$primitiveType = 131072 | static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 32 | static $class$classLoader = null | static $class$componentType = null | static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 0 | static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[0]@1888038496 (0x70892e60) | static $class$extData = null | static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 5518 | static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 15 | static $class$superClass = android.content.ContextWrapper | static $classOverhead = byte[752]@1890493289 (0x70aea369) | static $class$sFields = 0 | static $class$classSize = 876 | static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = 31 | static $class$vtable = null | static $class$objectSize = 32 | static $class$methods = 1894026900 | static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 5 | static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = 536870912 | static $class$iFields = 1893242944 | static $class$classFlags = 0 | static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@1889632912 (0x70a18290) | static $class$name = "android.view.ContextThemeWrapper" | static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class | static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 4 | mInflater = (0x13124bd0) | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = android.content.res.MiuiResources@319952032 (0x131214a0) | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@319966808 (0x13124e58) | mThemeResource = 16974550 | mBase = org.havenapp.main.MonitorActivity@319967048 (0x13124f48) | shadow$_klass_ = android.view.ContextThemeWrapper | shadow$_monitor_ = 0 * Instance of org.havenapp.main.MonitorActivity | static $class$dexTypeIndex = 342 | static $class$status = -536870912 | static $class$clinitThreadId = 32583 | static $class$accessFlags = 524289 | static $class$primitiveType = 131072 | static serialVersionUID = -8293310074117104639 | static $class$objectSizeAllocFastPath = 336 | static $class$classLoader = dalvik.system.PathClassLoader@316264424 (0x12d9cfe8) | static $class$componentType = null | static $change = null | static $class$numReferenceStaticFields = 1 | static $class$ifTable = java.lang.Object[40]@318901040 (0x13020b30) | static $class$extData = null | static $class$dexClassDefIndex = 125 | static $class$copiedMethodsOffset = 43 | static $class$superClass = | static $classOverhead = byte[2216]@318842825 (0x130127c9) | static $class$sFields = 3978889352 | static $class$classSize = 2360 | static $class$referenceInstanceOffsets = -1073741824 | static $class$vtable = null | static $class$objectSize = 331 | static $class$methods = 3978889672 | static $class$virtualMethodsOffset = 33 | static $class$shadow$_monitor_ = -1916372288 | static REQUEST_CAMERA = 999 | static $class$iFields = 3978889424 | static $class$classFlags = 0 | static $class$dexCache = java.lang.DexCache@318829128 (0x1300f248) | static REQUEST_TIMER = 1000 | static $class$name = "org.havenapp.main.MonitorActivity" | static $class$shadow$_klass_ = java.lang.Class | static $class$numReferenceInstanceFields = 11 | cTimer = null | handler = org.havenapp.main.MonitorActivity$1@319970440 (0x13125c88) | lastEventType = -1 | mAnimShake = android.view.animation.AnimationSet@319970472 (0x13125ca8) | mBtnAccel = androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView@319970616 (0x13125d38) | mBtnCamera = androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView@319971192 (0x13125f78) | mBtnMic = androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView@319971768 (0x131261b8) | mFragmentCamera = org.havenapp.main.ui.CameraFragment@319972344 (0x131263f8) | mIsInitializedLayout = true | mIsMonitoring = false | mOnTimerTicking = false | preferences = org.havenapp.main.PreferenceManager@319972496 (0x13126490) | receiver = org.havenapp.main.MonitorActivity$2@319972520 (0x131264a8) | txtStatus = androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView@319972544 (0x131264c0) | txtTimer = androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView@319973384 (0x13126808) | mDelegate = (0x13126b50) | mResources = null | mThemeId = 2131886103 | mCreated = true | mFragments = (0x13126bd8) | mNextCandidateRequestIndex = 0 | mPendingFragmentActivityResults = androidx.collection.SparseArrayCompat@319974376 (0x13126be8) | mRequestedPermissionsFromFragment = false | mResumed = false | mStartedActivityFromFragment = false | mStartedIntentSenderFromFragment = false | mStopped = true | mLifecycleRegistry = androidx.lifecycle.LifecycleRegistry@319974400 (0x13126c00) | mOnBackPressedCallbacks = java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList@319974432 (0x13126c20) | mSavedStateRegistry = androidx.savedstate.bundle.BundleSavedStateRegistry@319974448 (0x13126c30) | mViewModelStore = androidx.lifecycle.ViewModelStore@319974472 (0x13126c48) | mExtraDataMap = androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap@319974488 (0x13126c58) | mActionBar = null | mActionModeTypeStarting = 0 | mActivityInfo = (0x13126c70) | mActivityTransitionState = (0x13126d08) | mApplication = org.havenapp.main.HavenApp@316169328 (0x12d85c70) | mAutoFillIgnoreFirstResumePause = false | mAutoFillResetNeeded = false | mAutofillManager = null | mAutofillPopupWindow = null | mCalled = true | mCanEnterPictureInPicture = false | mChangeCanvasToTranslucent = false | mChangingConfigurations = false | mComponent = android.content.ComponentName@319974720 (0x13126d40) | mConfigChangeFlags = 0 | mCurrentConfig = android.content.res.Configuration@319974736 (0x13126d50) | mDecor = null | mDefaultKeyMode = 0 | mDefaultKeySsb = null | mDestroyed = true | mDoReportFullyDrawn = false | mEmbeddedID = null | mEnableDefaultActionBarUp = false | mEnterTransitionListener =$1@1889691912 (0x70a26908) | mExitTransitionListener =$1@1889691912 (0x70a26908) | mFinished = true | mFragments = (0x13126dc8) | mHandler = android.os.Handler@319974872 (0x13126dd8) | mHasCurrentPermissionsRequest = false | mIdent = 64787558 | mInstanceTracker = android.os.StrictMode$InstanceTracker@319974904 (0x13126df8) | mInstrumentation = (0x13048f70) | mIntent = android.content.Intent@319974920 (0x13126e08) | mInterceptor = null | mLastAutofillId = 1073741823 | mLastNonConfigurationInstances = null | mMainThread = (0x12d801e0) | mManagedCursors = java.util.ArrayList@319975000 (0x13126e58) | mManagedDialogs = null | mMenuInflater = null | mParent = null | mReferrer = "org.havenapp.main" | mRestoredFromBundle = false | mResultCode = 0 | mResultData = null | mResumed = false | mSearchEvent = null | mSearchManager = null | mStartedActivity = false | mStopped = true | mTaskDescription =$TaskDescription@319975064 (0x13126e98) | mTemporaryPause = false | mTitle = "Haven" | mTitleColor = 0 | mTitleReady = true | mToken = android.os.BinderProxy@319965936 (0x13124af0) | mTranslucentCallback = null | mUiThread = java.lang.Thread@2015227184 (0x781ded30) | mVisibleFromClient = true | mVisibleFromServer = false | mVoiceInteractor = null | mWindow = (0x13126ec0) | mWindowAdded = true | mWindowManager = android.view.WindowManagerImpl@319975480 (0x13127038) | mInflater = (0x13127050) | mOverrideConfiguration = null | mResources = android.content.res.MiuiResources@319952032 (0x131214a0) | mTheme = android.content.res.Resources$Theme@319975552 (0x13127080) | mThemeResource = 2131886103 | mBase = (0x13124ec8) | shadow$_klass_ = org.havenapp.main.MonitorActivity | shadow$_monitor_ = -2013756692 * Excluded Refs: | Field: android.os.Message.obj | Field: | Field: | Field: android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver.mMessageQueue (always) | Field: android.view.ViewGroup$ViewLocationHolder.mRoot | Thread:FinalizerWatchdogDaemon (always) | Thread:main (always) | Thread:LeakCanary-Heap-Dump (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.WeakReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.SoftReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.PhantomReference (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.Finalizer (always) | Class:java.lang.ref.FinalizerReference (always)
this seems to be an issue with MaterialDateTimePicker
LeakCanary Log: