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Mount NFS share from Chroot'ed debian? #203

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

I'm testing running debian on internal storage on one of my phones. I ran into a problem, where I could not complete apt-get install nfs-common, to be able to mount an NFS share.

[....] Starting rpcbind daemon...ln: failed to create symbolic link ‘/run/sendsigs.omit.d/rpcbind’: No such file or directory failed!
(normal stuff)
[FAIL] Starting NFS common utilities: statd failed!

I don't know if it's related, but this freeBSD page says you can't run RPCbind in a jail (they likely mean a Chroot).

So I edited this file /etc/default/nfs-common NEED_STATD=no

Then apt-get remove nfs-common (not purge) and apt-get install nfs-common. The install completed successfully.

When trying to mount, I get the error mount.nfs: No such device. I'm guessing that my CM11 kernel was built without NFS and CIFS support. Perhaps I can recompile it some time.

I looked into smbfs, which I think was a userspace NFS client, but it's deprecated.