guardianproject / notecipher

a simple notepad with all stored encrypted using SQLCipher and Cacheword
Apache License 2.0
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Problem with ant build?? #5

Closed jcarlson23 closed 11 years ago

jcarlson23 commented 13 years ago

So I just pulled from the repo, updated the project via the command line so I could build using ant:

android update project --name notepadbot --target 3 --path .

Compilation works just fine, but upon deployment I get the following error:

Added shared lib /data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/lib/ 0x40635bf8 D/dalvikvm( 511): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/lib/ 0x40635bf8, skipping init D/dalvikvm( 511): Trying to load lib /data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/lib/ 0x40635bf8 D/dalvikvm( 511): Added shared lib /data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/lib/ 0x40635bf8 D/dalvikvm( 511): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/lib/ 0x40635bf8, skipping init D/dalvikvm( 511): Trying to load lib /data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/files/ 0x40635bf8 D/AndroidRuntime( 511): Shutting down VM W/dalvikvm( 511): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40014760) E/AndroidRuntime( 511): FATAL EXCEPTION: main E/AndroidRuntime( 511): java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Cannot load library: load_library[1108]: Library '/data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/files/' not found E/AndroidRuntime( 511): at java.lang.Runtime.load( E/AndroidRuntime( 511): at java.lang.System.load( E/AndroidRuntime( 511): at info.guardianproject.database.sqlcipher.SQLiteDatabase.loadLibs( E/AndroidRuntime( 511): at info.guardianproject.notepadbot.Notepadbot.onCreate( E/AndroidRuntime( 511):

Is there anything needed explicitly? I can modify the source and use System.load("/data/data/..../") and verify it's loaded, etc, but I still get an error leading me to believe that something is missing...

jcarlson23 commented 13 years ago

Got same result rebuilding the project in Eclipse...

Ok - so my workaround so far is:

adb push /data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/files/

where is copied from "" (the target). (Advice from Nathan)

And once that's pushed, then the app runs just fine... but something must missing here to generate an all-inclusive apk...

developernotes commented 13 years ago

I am seeing the same issue when deploying from both Eclipse and IntelliJ to a 2.2 simulator. I have pushed the as to the simulator using adb and I continue to get the UnsatisfiedLinkError: Library /data/data/info.guardianproject.notepadbot/files/ not found. I am building against the HEAD which is currently 6d07b2f205ac65ac2657e73d7298353712907edc.

Any thoughts?

abeluck commented 11 years ago

Not able to reproduce this. Things might've changed in the past two years or so. Pleas re-open if it persists.