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[Question] kindness mode: serving much more clients than a browser extension. Intentional? #1105

Open WofWca opened 2 months ago

WofWca commented 2 months ago

Describe Your Question I have been using both the Snowflake extension and Orbot's "Kindness mode". I notice that Orbot is getting a lot more clients per week. It's in the ballpark 50, whereas the extension is getting like one per day or less. And they are on the same network (WiFi), running 24 / 7 (except when I take the phone outside, but I doubt this is the main factor). I know this is most likely mostly determined by the polling interval of standalone Snowflake and browser extension Snowflake. See I.e. standalone Snowflake is coded to get much more clients per unit of time that the extension. But I think it shouldn't be the case for mobile phones.

The question is: is this something that has been considered? If so, why has it been decided to give mobile devices more clients than to PC browsers?

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