guardianproject / orbot

The Github home of Orbot: Tor on Android (Also available on gitlab!)
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Bring the Obfs4proxy and Snowflake back. (IOS) #1106

Open ZIMUXA opened 2 months ago

ZIMUXA commented 2 months ago

Hey there, I am from Iran. I have two IOS devices, one with Orbot having updated to the latest version and one with the previous version. Since you removed Obfs4proxy and Snowflake on IOS, I can't use the updated version to connect to the Tor while the outdated version lets me connect to the Tor via Snowflake. I think removing Obfs4proxy and Snowflake protocols was really a bad decision and you could just make them optional and let users decide the one they wanted to use. I suggest bringing them back and letting the users know about their limitations.

n8fr8 commented 4 days ago

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