guardianproject / orbot

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[BUG] No automatic network timeout (in german: Kein automatischer Netzwerk-Ruhezustand) setting does not change anything #1112

Open Uneccessary opened 1 month ago

Uneccessary commented 1 month ago

Describe the Bug The setting "Kein automatischer Netzwerk-Ruhezustand" does not change anything, no matter if you enable or disable it, Orbot will always turn into "sleep-mode" or whatever you call it, ingnoring this setting completly.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Disable / Enable the "Kein automatischer Netzwerk-Ruhezustand" setting
  2. Turn Wifi off

Expected Behavior When you enable the Setting, Orbot will not go automatically into "sleep-mode" if no internet is avaible

What Custom Configuration Do You Use? If applicable, how did you set up Orbot? Did you configure some settings?

Nope, everything is the default, except Snowflake is enabled.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Additional Context This bug didn't appeard in the prior stable version of Tor, avaible in the Gurdian's Project F-Droid Repo