Open 05nelsonm opened 5 years ago
Orbot sets up a v3 Hidden Service
on topic: seems fairly polished you'd need apps to actually adopt it which would be extremely difficult you could even then add Orbot support to Gotify and still connect via a hidden service (client->server seems to have far less impact on battery)
Lately there have been lots of effort to create an open, standardized protocol for push notifications without fcm, called UnifiedPush. It is the spiritual successor of OpenPush. Orbot could follow the open UP specification, making it interoperatable with existing apps implemnting UP etc.
Orbot Push Notifications Enhancement Proposal
Posting this to generate some dissucsion, thoughts, ideas, etc. This is not a fully flushed out idea, so please beat it to a pulp so the best possible product can be had in the long run.
Going FLOSS only on an android device (flashing AOSP) requires living without some conveniences; one of them being Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). There are alternatives out there to restore such functionality (microG), but come at a cost (I will leave that discussion untouched).
GCM provides an extremely convenient service for push notifications that is a primary driver for people to either:
Build into Orbot a push notification services such that app developers can implement the necessary code into their app which will enable Orbot the ability to act as a push notification service, if the user chooses to do so.
Rough Concept, or Flow:
Additional thoughts/ideas (Again, using NC Talk as example):
Thought 1:
Thought 2:
I'm digging through the Briar app right now, as they have this setup already.
Please share thoughts, ideas, concerns, etc.!!!