guardrails-ai / guardrails

Adding guardrails to large language models.
Apache License 2.0
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[feat] Get rid of python-jwt in favour of PyJWT, or make it an optional dependency. #871

Open thusithaC opened 3 days ago

thusithaC commented 3 days ago

Description python-jwt is installed as a mandatory package by guardrails. This is conflicting with PyJWT (namespace conflict) which has far more reach and popularity. It makes guardrails impossible to use when other packages depend on PyJWT. This is a known conflict and impossible to manage.

Why is this needed Some other packages depend on PythonJWT which is a more popular, modern and feature rich jwt implementation. It becomes impossible to install or use PythonJWT when guardrails package is installed.

Implementation details Switch should be easy because PyJWT is well documented.

zsimjee commented 3 days ago

Thanks for bringing it to attention. Will track and try to resolve by 0.5.1