guatedude2 / cordova-plugin-kiosk-launcher

Sets a Cordova application as a launcher
17 stars 16 forks source link

v1.1.2 fix kiosk.js #1

Closed fefoweb closed 5 years ago

fefoweb commented 5 years ago

Hi @guatedude2

in Android 4.4 where i tested the kiosk mode, in console i have a bug related to 5th row of kiosk.js.

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ( - :8080/plugins/cordova-plugin-kiosk-launcher/www/kiosk.js:5

The sintax of function setKioskEnabled causes the problem. In Android 7 no problem related.

Added keycode allowed and prevent other all keycode in kiosk mode

fefoweb commented 5 years ago