Closed monkeycc closed 2 years ago
I think it is because you did not provide a yaml file when image augementation. you can try this code when convering labels/masks to jsons:
from convertmask.utils.methods import get_multi_shapes
imgPath = 'D:\\github_repo\\mask2json\\static\\multi_objs_test.jpg'
maskPath = 'D:\\github_repo\\mask2json\\static\\multi_objs_json\\label.png'
savePath = 'D:\\github_repo\\mask2json\\static\\multi_objs_json\\1025\\'
yamlPath = 'D:\\github_repo\\mask2json\\static\\multi_objs_json\\info.yaml'
get_multi_shapes.getMultiShapes(imgPath, maskPath, savePath, yamlPath) # with yaml
Thank you for your reply
structure xxx.jpg xxx.json
maskPath Whether to convert to coco data png SegmentationClassPNG ?
yamlPath I don't know how to get yaml What tool should I use for conversion
you can write your own yaml like this
_background_: 0
dog: 1
cat: 2
if you have mask files( mask files contain lables, such as number 1 represents dogs,2 represents cats ...), you should write yamls following your mask files
if you dont have mask files, you can write yamls first, and generate mask files like this.
import sys,os
BASE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd())) + os.sep + 'static'
imgPath = BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'test702.jpg'
labelPath = BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'test702.json'
yamlPath = BASE_DIR + os.sep + 'test702.yaml'
from convertmask.utils.json2mask.convert_with_label import *
in this way, mask files are generated following your yaml
there is a problem mentioned in
This issue is stale because it has been open for 14 days with no activity.
This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 7 days since being marked as stale.
Thank you for your source code very nice It's very helpful
But I have a problem
Labels class0 And the original labels name atypism
class0 class0(null) Labels class0