gudarzi / SaveHere

Minimal Cloud File Manager
The Unlicense
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WIP: Add custom headers to requests #47

Open artoodeeto opened 1 month ago

artoodeeto commented 1 month ago

Hello first of. Im sorry I broke the formatting. I have my vscode onSave set to true and i didnt notice that you dont have a prettier or vscode settings. If you want we could add prettier. Let me know.

Also just wanted to ask if this is ok? I still have some issues like:

  1. typescript I have an error about the setHeaderList argument.
  2. I haven't implemented this filter for key and value. These are the valid characters.
  3. When testing I check browser network and the custom HTTP REQUESTS are showing but I couldn't confirm it on the backend if its receiving the right headers I couldn't see the Console.Writeline to show any values. What I was trying to do is like this. Console.Writeline(_httpClient) but couldn't see it on my terminal (didnt run docker on detached mode). I was trying to attached a debugger but couldn't manage to run it.

Let me know if this is something that could work and what I need to add. Thank you! sorry about the backend still learning about .net and c#

artoodeeto commented 1 month ago

hello I fixed the typescript error and should I implement that validation for the header? just like from cloudflare? not sure if its necessary. Let me know. Thank you.