guerro323 / GameHost

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Introduce Relative Entities (GameWorld) #102

Open guerro323 opened 3 years ago

guerro323 commented 3 years ago

This feature will be for later once GameHost.V3 is half done.

Introduce Relative entities, which link an entity with another one based on a description. (eg: a character linked to a player) This feature shouldn't be hardcoded into GameWorld code. Entity Links should also be modified to work in the same way as Relative Entities (aka not be hard coded)


void CreateCharacter(GameEntity player)
    var character = GameWorld.CreateEntity(new[]

    GameWorld.SetRelative<PlayerDescription>(character, player);

public static class RelativeExtensions
    public static void SetRelative<T>(this GameWorld gameWorld, GameEntityHandle source, GameEntity owner)
        var board = (Board) gameWorld.GetComponentBoard<Relative<T>>();
        board.AddComponent(source, owner);

public struct Relative<T> : IComponentData
    public GameEntity Target;

    public class Board : GameWorld.ComponentBoard
        private IComponentEventBoard targetListener;
        private bool isFromParent;

        protected override void OnCreate()
            targetListener = (IComponentEventBoard) GameWorld.GetComponentBoard<Owned>();
            targetListener.OnRowsRemoved += (rowSpan, dataSpan, count) => 
                for (var i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    var buffer = dataSpan[i];
                    foreach (var element in buffer) 
                        isFromParent = true;
                        World.RemoveComponent(element.Source, ComponentType);
                        isFromParent = false;

        public void AddComponent(GameEntityHandle handle, GameEntity target)
            if (!World.Exists(target))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(nameof(target));


        protected override void RemoveRows(Span<uint> span)
            if (isFromParent) 

            foreach (var row in span) 
                var data   = Read<GameEntity>(row);
                var buffer = GameWorld.GetBuffer(data, targetListener.ComponentType);
                for (var i = 0; i < buffer.Length; i++) 
                    if (buffer[i] == Owner[row])

                if (buffer.Length == 0)
                    GameWorld.RemoveComponent(data, targetListener.ComponentType);


    public struct Owned : IComponentBuffer, IProvideCustomComponentBoard
        public GameEntityHandle Source;

        public ComponentBoard Provide()
            return new ComponentBufferEventBoard(Unsafe.SizeOf<Owned>());
guerro323 commented 2 years ago

Relative Entities are not yet introduced, but non-hardcoded Linked Entities got included in GameHost.Simulation.V3:

// Add LinkedEntity feature

var a = world.CreateEntity();
var b = world.CreateEntity();

// Link B (child) to A (parent)
world.SetLink(b, a, true);

// Destroy A, which will destroy B

The behavior is the same as the previous version

guerro323 commented 2 years ago



ComponentType playerType = world.RegisterRelativeDescription("PlayerDescription");
world.AddRelative(playerType, projectile, player);
world.RemoveRelative(playerType, projectile);

if (world.TryGetRelative(playerType, projectile, out var player)) {}

Span<UEntityHandle> ownedRelatives = world.ReadOwnedRelatives(playerType, player);

Big difference between the old version of relative entities:

The terminology will need to be remade, so the issue will still be up