guessi / docker-yourls

Dockerize YOURLS service (Shorten URL Service)
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Multiple User Support #11

Closed Lord0fBytes closed 4 months ago

Lord0fBytes commented 10 months ago

Is there an ability to use this with multiple users? I'd like to have 3-4 usernames and passwords for this.

guessi commented 7 months ago

@Lord0fBytes I think it is depends on upstream how YOURLS communicity implement its logic.

The magic behind the scene could be found at the code block below,

As you may see, it's done by replacing the env variables, not that easy to maintain with script replacement.

I would suggest you to turn to YOURLS/YOURLS for feature request, here's the FR link for you,

guessi commented 6 months ago

Additional comments added to Dockerfile and env.yourls.