guest271314 / native-messaging-nodejs

Node.js Native Messaging host
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Native host has exited. #2

Closed Sneaken closed 2 months ago

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

use your nm_nodejs.js

chrome.runtime.lastError is 'Native host has exited'.

i don't know what happened.. can you help me?

env: m1 mac node 20 chrome: 126.0.6478.127 arm64

image image image

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

Is nm_node.js is set executable?

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Is nm_node.js is set executable?


chmod +x ./nm_nodejs.js

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

Make sure the value of "path" in nm_nodejs.json is pointing to the absolute path to the file on the file system. Also try with each of the following flags on shebag line removed --max-old-space-size=14 --jitless --expose-gc --v8-pool-size=1.

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

Excluding --expose-gc, which doesn't change anything with regard to node exiting, while the others can.

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

Did you update the shebang line in nm_nodejs.js to point to the absolute path to the node executable you are using?

#!/usr/bin/env -S /home/user/bin/node  --expose-gc  --experimental-default-type=module
Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Did you update the shebang line in nm_nodejs.js to point to the absolute path to the node executable you are using?

#!/usr/bin/env -S /home/user/bin/node  --expose-gc  --experimental-default-type=module

yes , but no change

#!/usr/bin/env -S /Users/sneaken/.volta/bin/node --expose-gc --experimental-default-type=module
guest271314 commented 2 months ago

The only other report I have gotten was from another Mac user. I'm running the same code you are running on Linux, Chromium 128.


What happens when you try Deno, Bun, and shell script as Native Messaging hosts?

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

I tried the official Python code, and it works. This is strange because only Node.js doesn’t work on my computer.

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

Here are a few Native Messaging hosts that should all send back the same result, an Array with length 209715, 1048576 bytes as JSON

It's probably something like paths not being absolute or files not being executable.

I would reload the extension. Go over the code until you locate the issue. Is node executable?

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

This script should work using node, deno, or bun What happens when you substitute adjust "path" in nm_nodejs.json to nm_host.js, adjust shebang line, make the script executable and run the code?

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Here are a few Native Messaging hosts that should all send back the same result, an Array with length 209715, 1048576 bytes as JSON

It's probably something like paths not being absolute or files not being executable.

I would reload the extension. Go over the code until you locate the issue. Is node executable?

Error when communicating with the native messaging host.

image image

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Here are a few Native Messaging hosts that should all send back the same result, an Array with length 209715, 1048576 bytes as JSON

It's probably something like paths not being absolute or files not being executable.

I would reload the extension. Go over the code until you locate the issue. Is node executable?

python can run... my God

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

Sounds like a path or executable permission issue.

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

In the last image you posted you are pointing to node on the shebang. In the other image you pointed to /Users/sneaken/.volta/bin/node.

Make sure you are pointing to the absolute pathe to node if node is not installed system wide.

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Sounds like a path or executable permission issue.

sorry, nm_host.js need node 21, when i install it, it can run!!

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

In theory nm_nodejs.js should run, too. I'm not sure if pointing to the file descriptors /dev/stdin and /proc/self/fd/1 is an issue on Mac.

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Here are a few Native Messaging hosts that should all send back the same result, an Array with length 209715, 1048576 bytes as JSON

It's probably something like paths not being absolute or files not being executable.

I would reload the extension. Go over the code until you locate the issue. Is node executable?

but nm_nodejs.js still like that... MY GOD

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

In theory nm_nodejs.js should run, too. I'm not sure if pointing to the file descriptors /dev/stdin and /proc/self/fd/1 is an issue on Mac.

I feel like this might be the problem

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Although I don’t know what happened, thank you for answering my questions. :)

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

I don't generally use Apple devices. Thanks for the feedback re Mac and nm_nodejs.js.

nm_node.js.js works for me on Linux, with node and Chromium from tip-of-tree releases fetched today.

I wrote nm_host.js as a JavaScript runtime agnostic approach to reading standard input and writing to standard output, primarily using WHATWG Streams that is not part of ECMA-262 though works reliably for streaming Uint8Arrays and resizable ArrayBuffer, with dataView to read "32-bit message length in native byte order.". Unfortunately, reading standard input and writing to standard output is not standardized in ECMA-262, so it's continual W.I.P. to use the same code across engines and runtimes, e.g., does not beahve the same as Bun.file("/dev/stdin").stream().

What happens when you try this code and this code

guest271314 commented 2 months ago

Although I don’t know what happened, thank you for answering my questions. :)

No worries.

Sneaken commented 2 months ago


emmm... haha


guest271314 commented 2 months ago

Did you remove --max-old-space-size=6, --jitless, and --v8-pool-size=1 flags from shebang line?

And if that doesn't change anything, removing process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 1; and process.stdout._handle.setBlocking(true);?

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

this can work

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Did you remove --max-old-space-size=6, --jitless, and --v8-pool-size=1 flags from shebang line?

And if that doesn't change anything, removing process.env.UV_THREADPOOL_SIZE = 1; and process.stdout._handle.setBlocking(true);?

this all no change, maybe should use stream on mac

Sneaken commented 2 months ago

Thank you once again 😆