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noexcept affects libstdc's unordered_set - Arthur O'Dwyer - Stuff mostly about C #11763

Open guevara opened 3 weeks ago

guevara commented 3 weeks ago

noexcept affects libstdc++'s unordered_set - Arthur O'Dwyer - Stuff mostly about C++

Arthur O’Dwyer

The other day I learned a new place where adding or removing noexcept can change the performance of your program: GNU libstdc++’s hash-based associative containers change the struct layout of their nodes depending on the noexceptness of your hash function. This is laid out fairly clearly in the docs; it’s simply bizarre enough that I’d never thought to look for such a thing in the docs!

In C++, a std::unordered_set is basically a vector of “buckets,” where each bucket is a linked list of “nodes,” and each node stores a single element of the unordered_set. (This makes unordered_set a “node-based container”; it supports the full C++17 node-handle API.) Erasing an element from the unordered_set goes something like this:

template<class T, class Hash, class KeyEqual>
struct unordered_set {
  struct Node {
    T t_;
  vector<list<Node>> buckets_;
  Hash hash_;
  KeyEqual eq_;

  void erase(const T& key) {
    size_t h = hash_(key);
    size_t bc = buckets_.size();
    auto& bucket = buckets_[h % bc];
    for (auto it = bucket.begin(); it != bucket.end(); ++it) {
      if (eq_(it->t_, key)) {

(Some details omitted, e.g. the Allocator parameter and the return type of erase.)

Above, the for-loop is iterating over everything in the bucket — that is, every item t such that hash_(t) % bc == hash_(key) % bc — and invoking eq_ for each of those items. If equivalence is expensive, then maybe we could do better by comparing hashes first:

    for (auto it = bucket.begin(); it != bucket.end(); ++it) {
      if ((hash_(it->t_) == h) && eq_(it->t_, key)) {

Now we invoke eq_ for only those items t such that hash_(t) == hash_(key), period. But if hash_ is slower than eq_, that’s a pessimization.

Store a hash per node

We can keep it fast by precomputing hash_(it->t_) and storing it in the node directly:

  struct Node {
    T t_;
    size_t h_;

  void erase(const T& key) {
    size_t h = hash_(key);
    size_t bc = buckets_.size();
    auto& bucket = buckets_[h % bc];
    for (auto it = bucket.begin(); it != bucket.end(); ++it) {
      if ((it->h_ == h) && eq_(it->t_, key)) {

Now we have the best of both worlds, at the piddling cost of 8 bytes per element. (Sure, in some domains that’s a lot! But unordered_set is already spending at least that much on prev/next pointers, not to mention the lower-level bookkeeping associated with each element’s having its own separate heap-allocation. In the grand scheme of unordered_set inefficiencies, another 8 bytes won’t be missed.)

Secondly: The libstdc++ docs go on to say that “erase and swap operations […] might need an element’s hash code.” I’m not sure why they mention swap, but I see how erase needs an element’s hash code. We’re no longer talking about erase(const T&); now we’re talking about erase(const_iterator). That looks something like this:

void erase(list<Node>::const_iterator it) {
  size_t h = it->h_;
  size_t bc = buckets_.size();
  buckets_[h % bc].erase(it);

Here we need h so that we can figure out which bucket to modify.

“Can’t we just hook our prev pointer up to our next pointer?” Well, it turns out that I lied about the data structure being basically a list. Microsoft’s unordered_set has bidirectional iterators, but libc++ and libstdc++ allow only forward iteration. libstdc++ actually has code that re-iterates the bucket looking for this node’s predecessor. “Isn’t that slow?” Sure, if you have a high load factor; but the whole point of a hash table is that the load factor must remain low as size() increases, or else you have a bad time (in more ways than this).

In practice, if we’re the first node in our bucket, we also need to update the h’th bucket pointer to point to our successor — the thing slightly automated above by buckets_[...].erase(it). Even if we had a “prev” pointer, we’d still have to know which bucket to touch for that part.

Thirdly: Suppose we insert so many elements that we need to expand the buckets_ vector — we need to “rehash.” Each element t is currently part of bucket number hash_(t) % bc; but we’ll need to place it into the expanded vector at index hash_(t) % new_bc, which can’t be computed without knowing hash_(t) itself.

So it seems like we have at least three reasons to want to store those extra 8 bytes in each node: It can save us O(k) time during erase(const T&); we have to compute it once anyway during erase(const_iterator); and we have to compute it O(n) times during rehashing.

Clearly we should just pay those 8 bytes to cache hash_(t), and everyone’ll be happy, right?

But sometimes the hash is trivial

Well, what about unordered_set<int>? In that case, the hash function is std::hash<int>, which on libstdc++ is trivial: hash_(t) is just a copy of t itself. It does seem pretty silly to store that! So, what we really want is to store the hash by default, and omit it only when Hash is a trivial hash function.

Unfortunately, libstdc++ essentially reverses that logic: By default, they’ll never pay the extra 8 bytes to store the hash. They’ll assume that recomputing the hash is cheap, so that it->h_ can be replaced with hash_(it->t_). But there are two things that can make libstdc++ reconsider that decision:

  • If Hash is on a fixed blacklist of “expensive hash functions,” i.e., if std::__is_fast_hash<Hash>::value is false. That tells us that it would be prohibitively expensive to recompute hash_(t) during rehashing, so we’d better cache it.

  • If Hash::operator() is non-noexcept. That tells us that when we recompute hash_(t) during erase, it might throw an exception — and the Standard guarantees that erase(const_iterator) won’t throw any exceptions! So erase(const_iterator) isn’t allowed to call the hash function at all, in this case.

[container.reqmts]/66.3 specifies that “No erase, clear, pop_back, or pop_front function throws an exception.” This is amended by [unord.req.except]/1, which permits erase(const T& key) to throw if hashing key throws (because we need to hash key in order to look it up in the first place), but still doesn’t permit erase(const_iterator) to throw for any reason.

The outcome is that libstdc++’s unordered_set has performance characteristics that subtly depend on the true name and noexceptness of the hash function.

  • A user-defined struct H : std::hash<std::string> {} will see smaller allocations and more calls to the hash function, than if you had just used std::hash<std::string> directly. (Because std::hash<std::string> is on the blacklist and H is not.)

  • A user-defined hasher with size_t operator() const noexcept will see smaller allocations and more calls to the hash function (especially during rehashing). One with size_t operator() const will see larger allocations and fewer calls to the hash function.


This benchmark (on Godbolt, with smaller numbers) demonstrates some of the consequences of libstdc++’s heuristic. For each of three types, we print the node size and the amount of time it takes to rehash the table 14 times.

  int* string vector<bool>
std::hash is: trivial (fast) blacklisted (known slow) normal (incorrectly assumed fast)
non-noexcept 24 bytes, 15ms 48 bytes, 275ms 56 bytes, 259ms
noexcept 16 bytes, 13ms 40 bytes, 951ms 48 bytes, 945ms
std::hash 16 bytes, 13ms 48 bytes, 264ms 48 bytes, 946ms

The first column is really cool: it shows that unordered_set is smart enough not to cache hash_(t) when hash_ is the trivial std::hash<int*>. Recomputing the hash (a no-op) is actually faster than loading the cached value from memory!

The second column, bottom cell, illustrates that unordered_set correctly pays the 8 bytes to avoid expensively recomputing std::hash<string> over and over. You can replicate that good behavior by defining your own YourHash::operator() const. But woe betide the hapless programmer who defines YourHash::operator() const noexcept — their hash function will be called many more times than it should, resulting in a massive slowdown (on this workload, anyway).

The third column illustrates the reverse effect: libstdc++ does not recognize that hashing a vector<bool> is expensive, so they save 8 bytes and take a massive slowdown by default. You can replicate that bad behavior with YourHash::operator() const noexcept, or cleverly define your own YourHash::operator() const for a speedup (on this workload).


I think this whole thing is mostly irrelevant to real programming. [But see the UPDATE below.] I wouldn’t go out of my way to audit your codebase for hashers that are (or aren’t) noexcept; if hashing is your bottleneck then your first step should be to stop using the node-based, pointer-chasing std::unordered_set entirely!

Also, I hope that if you’re reading this post in a year or two (say, December 2025), these specific examples won’t even reproduce anymore. I hope libstdc++ gets on the ball and eliminates some of this weirdness. (In short: They should get rid of the blacklist; pay the 8 bytes by default; introduce a whitelist for trivial hashers specifically; stop checking noexceptness for any reason.) [But see the UPDATE below.]

But if you must take one sound bite from this post, maybe it’s this: libstdc++ makes it a pessimization to mark any non-trivial hash function as noexcept. You must put the noexcept keyword on non-defaulted move-constructors (to avoid the vector pessimization); there are a few other ad-hoc places you might want it; but you certainly do not want noexcept “everywhere,” as this surprising libstdc++ behavior illustrates.

UPDATE, 2024-08-27: I originally ended by saying “I hope libstdc++ gets on the ball and eliminates some of this weirdness,” but Lénárd Szolnoki points out that there’s no way for them to do that without an ABI break, and I think he’s 100% right. So if you’re reading this in December 2025, or even 2035, libstdc++ will probably still be doing the same silly thing with noexcept hashers. Ugh.

On /r/cpp, Martin Leitner-Ankerl took issue with my optimistic claim that “this whole thing is mostly irrelevant to real programming.” Apparently Bitcoin Core was bitten by this issue in real life. Their problem was the opposite of the one I sketched: each Bitcoin node stores a huge in-memory unordered_map whose key is cheap to hash, but whose hash function, until 2019, wasn’t marked as noexcept. So their unordered_map consumed an extra 8 bytes per node. Adding the noexcept keyword (in commit 67d9990) instantly lowered their memory usage on most platforms by 9%. Now, in my defense, Bitcoin has also weighed the approach I suggested above — “stop using the node-based, pointer-chasing [std::unordered_map] entirely” — in #22640, and estimated its memory savings at about 20%. If I understand correctly, they’ve decided not to go that route just yet, on the principle of “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t.” But watch that space. I dare say if I ran a huge money-related project whose performance was dominated by a single hash-table data structure, I wouldn’t be content with an off-the-shelf std::unordered_map; the first thing I’d do is own that data structure and start optimizing it!

See also:

via Arthur O’Dwyer

September 9, 2024 at 10:12AM