gufoe / text-translator

extension for gnome-shell
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Suddenly on multiple systems in 17.10 highlighting text to translate stopped working : ( #25

Closed AntiNSA closed 6 years ago

AntiNSA commented 6 years ago

Id love to get it working again I use it quite often teaching. Thanks if you know...

AntiNSA commented 6 years ago

it can translate, however only if I paste the text to translate. highlighting the text and then using the shortcut to open the translation no longer works...

AntiNSA commented 6 years ago

Paste works, I am useing xorg and not wayland..... just highlighting the text and have it appear to be translated without pasting no longer works... In addition the translation box shifts/moves up and down about 10 pixels when open... like some sort of glich...

gufoe commented 6 years ago

It is still working for me (Debian with Gnome 3.26.2), I have no clue on why it is not working. Any errors in lg? (alt+f2 -> lg -> extensions).

AntiNSA commented 6 years ago

my mistake... Even after using for so long somehow I forgot super+alt+t ...I perhaps am getting Alzheimers and losing my memory with old age............ It still works great...

gufoe commented 6 years ago

Well good luck with that! Happy to hear it's not one more new bug. As for the glitch when opening, I know, it's annoying, I've tried to fix it and I failed. Cheers :)