gugod / App-perlbrew

Manage perl installations in your $HOME
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curl silently fails if `~/perl5/perlbrew/dists` does not exist #805

Open leonerd opened 2 weeks ago

leonerd commented 2 weeks ago

I already had a ~/perl5/perlbrew/ directory in place for unrelated reasons, but it did not contain the dists/ subdirectory. Attempting a new install in this situation makes curl fail with error code 23 (harder to debug because of the --silent option). Manually testing the command that it printed but without --silent soon leads to discovering the problem. A simple

mkdir ~/perl5/perlbrew/dists

solved the problem.

gugod commented 2 weeks ago

The directory ~/perl5/perlbrew/dists is supposed to be made by running perlbrew init.... although I guess it would not hurt to let perlbrew to automatically create it right before it is needed.