In v2.1 there is no way to delete a dictionary entry. This was deemed unneeded (and possibly dangerous), but it turns out in HanDeDict there are already several entries flagged that are incorrect "duplicates" of legit entries. These should be deleted.
Deleted entries must remain in the history and the full export (with all versions commented out).
Behavior of deleted entries in history page (cannot be edited/flagged, but can they be commented?)
Someone wants to add a "new" entry that was already deleted once. Elegant redirection to "undelete"
Entry editor when viewing a deleted entry. Undelete command? Other commands?
In v2.1 there is no way to delete a dictionary entry. This was deemed unneeded (and possibly dangerous), but it turns out in HanDeDict there are already several entries flagged that are incorrect "duplicates" of legit entries. These should be deleted.