gugutu / Anki-Note-Linker

Link Anki notes to build knowledge network
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Feature request: Use anki for writing with document card type and changed UI #22

Open wadid opened 1 month ago

wadid commented 1 month ago

I think an interesting idea would be if there would be a UI window where you could create cards that would serve as documents. Inside these documents you could write stuff and also link to notes. Kind of as a planning/writingtool. I think thats missing with anki. It does spaced repetition very well but for more advanced things you would need linked documents and notes with the possibility to intersperse the spaced repetition functionality.

Did you think about any of this?

Interesting would also be if you could show the notes in a hierarchy structure.... see picture. On left side of picture you can see the different items. Some of them are subitems. But even they are subitems you can just drag and drop them somewhere else e.g. under another item or move them a hierarchy level up so they are themselves no subitems anymore.

I think if this whole concept of hierarchy could be added to the cards then it coild very nicely simulate working with folders and documents and also might be helpful for implementing incremental reading.

Btw screenshot is from supermemo incremental reading process.
