guiYMOUR / mindustry-Extra-Utilities-mod

Now start adapting to the new version
GNU General Public License v3.0
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飞船发射的导弹没办法压制敌方修复 #40

Open Kasuj opened 3 months ago

guiYMOUR commented 3 months ago


Kasuj commented 3 months ago


guiYMOUR commented 3 months ago


Kasuj commented 3 months ago


guiYMOUR commented 3 months ago


                bullet = new BulletType(){{
                    shootEffect = Fx.sparkShoot;
                    smokeEffect = Fx.shootSmokeTitan;
                    hitColor = Pal.suppress;
                    shake = 1f;
                    speed = 0f;
                    keepVelocity = false;
                    collidesAir = false;

                    spawnUnit = new MissileUnitType("disrupt-missile"){{
                        targetAir = false;
                        speed = 4.6f;
                        maxRange = 5f;
                        outlineColor = Pal.darkOutline;
                        health = 70;
                        homingDelay = 10f;
                        lowAltitude = true;
                        engineSize = 3f;
                        engineColor = trailColor = Pal.sapBulletBack;
                        engineLayer = Layer.effect;
                        deathExplosionEffect = Fx.none;
                        loopSoundVolume = 0.1f;

                        parts.add(new ShapePart(){{
                            layer = Layer.effect;
                            circle = true;
                            y = -0.25f;
                            radius = 1.5f;
                            color = Pal.suppress;
                            colorTo = Color.white;
                            progress =;

                        parts.add(new RegionPart("-fin"){{
                            mirror = true;
                            progress =;
                            moveRot = 32f;
                            rotation = -6f;
                            moveY = 1.5f;
                            x = 3f / 4f;
                            y = -6f / 4f;

                        weapons.add(new Weapon(){{
                            shootCone = 360f;
                            mirror = false;
                            reload = 1f;
                            shootOnDeath = true;
                            bullet = new ExplosionBulletType(140f, 25f){{
                                collidesAir = false;
                                suppressionRange = 140f;
                                shootEffect = new ExplosionEffect(){{
                                    lifetime = 50f;
                                    waveStroke = 5f;
                                    waveLife = 8f;
                                    waveColor = Color.white;
                                    sparkColor = smokeColor = Pal.suppress;
                                    waveRad = 40f;
                                    smokeSize = 4f;
                                    smokes = 7;
                                    smokeSizeBase = 0f;
                                    sparks = 10;
                                    sparkRad = 40f;
                                    sparkLen = 6f;
                                    sparkStroke = 2f;
guiYMOUR commented 3 months ago


Kasuj commented 3 months ago
