guidone / lets-form

A JSON form generator for React with Material UI / AntDesign / Bootstrap / RSuite / Mantine
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cannot import CommonLetsFormProps #52

Open ghoshorn opened 1 week ago

ghoshorn commented 1 week ago

when I using import { CommonLetsFormProps } from 'lets-form/definitions/common' it will give error: ESLint: Unable to resolve path to module 'lets-form/ definitions/ common'.(import/ no-unresolved

Could you please export this kind of types as well? Thanks.

guidone commented 2 days ago

Do you really need the CommonLetsFormProps? This is the common one, you might want to import the framework specific one, like

import { LetsFormReactAntdProps } from 'lets-form/react-antd';

See here

ghoshorn commented 1 day ago

@guidone Yes, LetsFormReactAntdProps also works for me. But import LetsForm, { LetsFormReactAntdProps, LetsFormSchemaReactAntd } from 'lets-form/react-antd' also gives me the error TS2614: Module "lets-form/ react-antd" has no exported member LetsFormReactAntdProps

Found that interface in lets-form/react-antd.d.ts can be imported. But cannot import from the definitions/*