guiem / train-tesseract

Dockerized example to train Tesseract v. 4
64 stars 40 forks source link

"This version of GNU Make is too low (4.1)" #21

Open ethaniel opened 4 months ago

ethaniel commented 4 months ago

Thank you for this amazing container! It looks intriguing! However, after I finished building it, loaded all the data and sent the "make training" command, I got the following error:

Makefile:175: *** This version of GNU Make is too low (4.1). Check your path, or upgrade to 4.2 or newer..  Stop.

Not sure what I can do to make a proper update, perhaps a newer ubuntu version is needed?

ethaniel commented 4 months ago

Attaching a fixed Dockerfile with some minor improvements:

  1. updated ubuntu to 20.04
  2. updated package versions in requirements.txt that couldn't be found anymore (i chose the closest ones)
  3. moved COPY requirements.txt ./ closer to pip3 install, so errors in package versions don't make the rebuild long.
  4. added RUN apt-get install -y libgirepository1.0-dev to fix a missing python module dependency.
