guigolab / FA-nf

Functional annotation pipeline for proteins from non-model organisms implemented in Nextflow
GNU General Public License v3.0
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The bad parameters in targetp #6

Closed NailouZhang closed 2 years ago

NailouZhang commented 2 years ago

the pipline show

Caused by: Process targetP (1) terminated with an error exit status (2)

Command executed:

targetp -P -c input.1 > out_targetp_input.1

Command exit status: 2

Command output: (empty)

Command error: flag provided but not defined: -P Usage of targetp: -batch int Number of sequences that the tool will run simultaneously. Decrease or increase size depending on your system memory. (default 100) -fasta string Input file in fasta format. -format string Output format. 'long' for generating the predictions with plots, 'short' for the predictions without plots. (default "short") -gff3 Make gff3 file of processed sequences. -mature Make fasta file with mature sequence. -org string Organism. Non-plant: 'non-pl', Plant: 'pl' (default "non-pl") -plot string Plots output format. When long output selected, choose between 'png', 'eps' or 'none' to get just a tabular file. (default "png") -prefix string Output files prefix. (default "Input file prefix") -stdout Write the prediction summary to the STDOUT. -tmp string Specify temporary file directory. (default "System default tmpdir") -verbose Verbose output. Specify '-verbose=false' to avoid printing. (default true) -version Prints version.


process 'targetP' {

label 'sigtarp'

file seq from seq_file2

file("out_targetp_${seq}") into (targetP_result1, targetP_result2)

targetp -P -c  $seq > out_targetp_${seq}

So, how can I solve it?

toniher commented 2 years ago

Dear Nailou,

thanks for reporting! Can you point which targetP version are you using?


NailouZhang commented 2 years ago

Hi, Toniher I uesed targetp-2.0.Linux.tar.gz

toniher commented 2 years ago

Hi Nailou, pipeline is set up to work with targetP 1.1 version. More details here:

We will try to provide a new pipeline release with updated software versions in the upcoming weeks. Hope it helps!

NailouZhang commented 2 years ago

Thank you very much. I'm sorry that I made a mistake here and did not check the version of this package.

lyn320 commented 2 years ago

hi, I ran the local version of targetp-2.0.Linux.tar.gz (Default parameters) and the slurm files report:

TargetP-2.0 Organism: Non-Plant Timestamp: 20220309220806

ID Prediction noTP SP mTP CS Position

TRINITY_DN100003_c0_g1_i1.p3 noTP 0.958083 0.001913 0.040004
TRINITY_DN100008_c0_g1_i1.p1 noTP 0.605158 0.013404 0.381438
TRINITY_DN100089_c0_g1_i1.p1 noTP 0.999502 0.000194 0.000304 im confused about the 'noTP',can you tell me what does that mean and what can be my Filter criteria(SP or SP plus noTP) if im looking for sequence targeting extracellular. thank you so much!

toniher commented 2 years ago

Hi, your question is unrelated to this issue (that is already closed). On the other hand, that is a TargetP-specific question, instead of a FA-nf. In any case, you can check about it in the article of the program:

lyn320 commented 2 years ago

Hi, your question is unrelated to this issue (that is already closed). On the other hand, that is a TargetP-specific question, instead of a FA-nf. In any case, you can check about it in the article of the program:

Oops... by the way, thank you so much for this reply!