guigolab / bamstats

A command line tool to compute mapping statistics from a BAM file
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
22 stars 4 forks source link

Option -t requires an argument! #29

Closed NicMAlexandre closed 4 years ago

NicMAlexandre commented 4 years ago


When trying to run jobs with the GUI I get the error "-t requires an argument".

I have tried specifying a target through the following example of a job:

java -Xmx6g -jar BAMStats-1.25/./BAMStats-GUI-1.25.jar -i X.bam -t ref.chr.bed -o X.out

I have generated the target file as follows:

samtools faidx genome.fasta cut -f1,2 genome.fasta.fai >


awk -F'\t' '{print $1"\t0\t"$2}' ../genome.fasta.fai > ref.chr.bed

Any help is appreciated!

emi80 commented 4 years ago

Hi @nicolasalexandre21,

I am sorry but you are posting in the wrong bamstats repository.

I am closing this.

Regards, Emilio