Can you clarify how to generate the rnaseq statistics using bamstats? The readme says the following:
"Provided statistics
Bamstats can currently compute the following mapping statistics:
genome coverage
But when I run it on my STAR genome aligned or bowtie2 transcriptome aligned bams I only get general statistics. Is it using some information in the bam header to determine whether it is an rnaseq experiment?
Is it related to the -a parameter? I am unclear as to what that does as well.
Can you clarify how to generate the rnaseq statistics using bamstats? The readme says the following: "Provided statistics Bamstats can currently compute the following mapping statistics: general genome coverage RNA-seq"
But when I run it on my STAR genome aligned or bowtie2 transcriptome aligned bams I only get general statistics. Is it using some information in the bam header to determine whether it is an rnaseq experiment?
Is it related to the -a parameter? I am unclear as to what that does as well.
Running the following code:
bamstats -i F137214.Aligned.out.sorted.bam -o F137214_stats.json