guilbaults / TrailblazingTurtle

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Installation instructions unclear #53

Open sebastian-burlacu opened 4 months ago

sebastian-burlacu commented 4 months ago

Is there any description of how to install this, with the end result being an actual working deployment? I'm trying the podman instructions, I can stumble through what the various options mean (I'm more familiar with docker but it's all good), but it references a config file that is entirely undocumented. I had initially wanted to follow these steps but since I don't use RHEL flavours at the moment, I figured a containerized solution would be more portable to Ubuntu. I got podman installed, then I realized the file leaves a lot up to guesswork.

Even a sample config file/directory would be great - I can figure out what my certs should say after seeing some error in the logs, for example - but nothing at all means I just can't proceed at all, and I'd love to deploy this.

For anyone curious, these steps install podman on ubuntu 20.04 (though it was missing glibc so I upgraded to 22.04 and then I could run podman):

echo "deb $sources_url/ /" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/devel:kubic:libcontainers:unstable.list
curl -fsSL $key_url | gpg --dearmor | tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/devel_kubic_libcontainers_unstable.gpg > /dev/null
add-apt-repository ppa:criu/ppa
apt update
apt install podman containers-common oci-runtime criu
guilbaults commented 4 months ago


The easiest way to spin it up for the first time and to figure out the config files and slight modifications required for your system is to use the debug server of Django. Part of it is described in the main README, but I do realize it's not clear and should be improved.

The gist of it is to create a new Python virtualenv and install Python requirements within it. The debug server can be started with python runserver. It will also serve static files with the Python process, so it's not recommended for production, but it's fine to test it and makes it easier to debug since it will also print error logs and enable some other features like the Django debug toolbar.

The container is based on Ubuntu if you want to check how to run it without a container on a Ubuntu host.

There is also a puppet module to install it, but it currently only supports RHEL derivative, but the template within it can give hints on how to configure it with some default config.