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TE + MPC research #5

Closed PopcornPaws closed 2 years ago

PopcornPaws commented 2 years ago


The following topics should be researched:

We need to have a good understanding of the above topics, as our oracle nodes might use something like these to sign external payloads, should they agree on the result.

PopcornPaws commented 2 years ago

High-level overview

TE is a type of MPC where data is encrypted using a public key, whose private key is distributed among secure nodes. These nodes need to work together to decrypt the encrypted data and at least threshold number of nodes are required for decryption. Thus, an adversary with less than threshold pieces of the shared secret key cannot decrypt the encrypted data.

Two-party computation

The simplest MPC is when there are two participants executing the MPC (e.g. Yao's millionaires' problem: two millionaires want to decide who's richer without sharing their net worth). Yao formulated a protocol to solve such problems called Yao's garbled circuit. Here, the underlying problem has to be compiled to a boolean circuit (consisting of XOR and AND gates) which is a challenge in itself, especially if the problem contains loops, such as elliptic curve math.

According to some recent papers, however, an AES boolean circuit required approximately 20 minutes to compute, and more than 6million commitments had to be sent. This was improved to processing 75 million AES blocks per second with GPUs, circuit compiler optimization and somewhat lower security. However, this technology still seems to be in early stages and it might not have any advantage over zk-SNARKS, especially if we consider Spartan, which is a general purpose SNARK without the need for a trusted setup.

Multi-party computation

Generally, the most fundamental tool for MPC is Samir's secret sharing protocol. In essence, it encodes the secret as the constant part ($s = a_0$) of a polynomial $p(x)$.

$$p(x) = \sum_{i = 0}^n a_ix^i$$

where $n$ is the order of the polynomial. Then, $k > n$ different evaluations of $p(x)$ are calculated at $k$ random $x_i$ values and each participant receives a point and the corresponding evaluation: $x_i, p(x_i)$. Thus, when there are at least $n + 1$ participants that share their $x_i, p(x_i)$ pairs, the original $p(x)$ polynomial can be reconstructed using Lagrange interpolation, and the secret coefficient can be recovered. A nice feature of Samir's secret sharing is that refreshing shared secrets (point, evaluation) is easily done by assigning a new random (point, evaluation) pair computed from the same polynomial.

Verifiable secret sharing

Contrary to Samir's secret sharing method, Feldman's approach makes the private shares to be publicly verifiable by sharing the public keys respective to the private shares. A Rust implementation of verifiable secret sharing.


For a great deep-dive, check out Jens Groth's paper

PopcornPaws commented 2 years ago

Threshold signatures vs Multisig

Some nice articles:


PopcornPaws commented 2 years ago

Programmable Keypairs (PKP)

Lit Protocol works on a smart contract system where each contract has a PKP and can make http requests and send transactions.

PopcornPaws commented 2 years ago

Torus Network/Auth Network

Torus network is built upon the Tendermint BFT consensus system. It essentially provides a special wallet that links on-chain identity to social OAuth tokens. It is the product of Web3Auth who recently partnered with StarkWare to provide a wallet that doesn't require secret seeds. Instead, the private key is distributed among nodes (?) and the user can reconstruct the private key using their social accounts to send transactions.

Torus DKG

Torus network also builds on distributed key generation. The process looks like this:

Web3Auth structure


Key management is based on 2-out-of-3 threshold signature scheme, where the user holds one share, one recovery share (should they lose their primary share) and the node network holds another share. Thus, whenever the user wants to enter, they provide their share and the node network provides another share and they can enter.

PopcornPaws commented 2 years ago

Design considerations

We should focus mostly on scalability (even on the long term). Lit aims to handle scalability by building a load balancer between subnetworks. This means that for-example there could be 100 nodes in a network that has a single private key whose shares are distributed among the 100 participants. This subnetwork's private key can represent the share of another network one level higher that is actually a network of multiple 100 participant subnetworks.

Lit uses BLS instead of ECDSA which is probably a good idea to use for some cool features of BLS curves (i.e. signature aggregation).


The above implementations are both based on a round-based multiparty protocol implementation.

PopcornPaws commented 2 years ago

Closing this for now. Further research/implementation is tracked here