guilhemmarchand / TA-jira-service-desk-simple-addon

Atlasian JIRA add-on for Splunk alert actions
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custom fields are not populated when creating issue #172

Closed migul1 closed 12 months ago

migul1 commented 1 year ago


During issue creation with Jira Service Desk , custom fields get ignored i.e. an issue gets created with mandatory fields, like description, summary, etc., however custom fields are not populated

Syntax of CF like

"customfield_21264": "Hello"

I can successfully set this CF if I create issue via HTTP with Curl

$ curl -k -u 'account:password' --request POST --url 'https://jira-host/rest/api/2/issue' --header 'Accept: application/json' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{"fields": { "project": { "key": "PROJ" }, "summary": "Pictures", "description": "SIEM-Eng", "issuetype": {"name":"Event"}, "customfield_21264": "Hello"}}'


According to LOG

2023-08-14 13:24:37,690 ERROR pid=116436 tid=MainThread | sendmodaction - signature="Failed to load jira_customfields="{customfield_21264": "Hello}" as a proper formated JSON object with exception="Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 2 (char 1)"" action_name="jira_service_desk" sid="1692012268.44302" orig_sid="scheduler__nobody_REJHX1VTRV9DQVNFX1RFU1RfQVBQ__RMD50e36bf240caf243c_at_1692001800_50431" rid="0" orig_rid="0" app="SplunkEnterpriseSecuritySuite" user="xxx" action_mode="adhoc" action_status="failure"

The first and the last quotas (") get cut by parser

="Failed to load jira_customfields="{customfield_21264": "Hello}"

Solution pending :confused_face: `

guilhemmarchand commented 12 months ago

Sorry for the delay @migul1 !

Actually. an issue was identified which is likely causing this for you too - will be fixed in release 2.0.17