guilhemmarchand / TA-jira-service-desk-simple-addon

Atlasian JIRA add-on for Splunk alert actions
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Result alerts in description as table #193

Open territestgogo opened 1 month ago

territestgogo commented 1 month ago

I would like the results to be displayed in a table format like on Splunk, currently only Json and CSV are supported, will this be updated in the future?

territestgogo commented 1 month ago

I tried edit the file but didnt work

 if jira_results_description in ("enabled_json"):
            search_results_json = get_results_json(helper, jira_attachment_token)
            # Convert JSON to Jira Wiki Markup table
            headers = search_results_json[0].keys()
           header_row = "|| " + " || ".join(headers) + " ||"
            rows = ["| " + " | ".join(item.values()) + " |" for item in search_results_json]
            # Combine header and rows
            search_results_table = "\n".join([header_row] + rows)
            if search_results_json:
                jira_description = (
                    + "\nSplunk search results:\n{"
                    + search_results_table
schose commented 1 month ago

same here, we implemented it and opened PR