guilhermefarias / cordova-exif

:camera: This plugin, is the simplest way to get exif data of images at Cordova platform (Phonegap)
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Can't use with Cordova Capture plugin? #3

Open marcsyp opened 10 years ago

marcsyp commented 10 years ago

Trying to use this with the Capture plugin (not Camera). I am passing the mediaFile.fullPath as the fileURI, I get "undefined" as a result.

function captureSuccess(mediaFiles) {

for (var a in mediaFiles) { CordovaExif.readData(mediaFiles[a].fullPath, function(exifObject) { alert(exifObject); // "undefined" }); window.resolveLocalFileSystemURI(mediaFiles[a].fullPath, gotFileEntry, fail); };


navigator.device.capture.captureImage(captureSuccess, captureError, {limit: 5});

Any thoughts?