guilhermeprokisch / guilherme

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trident-ab #252

Open guilhermeprokisch opened 2 years ago

guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago


guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago

Pessoa responsável pelo knwoledge basse Auribel Young

guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago


guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago

Giulia Interview Resume:

  1. Persona

    • Use TridentAB for a couple of weeks
    • Not used any other A/B app
    • Runs 30+ A/B tests
  2. Suggestions

    • Export Data CSV
    • A visualization for all A/B once.
    • A way to sort the test list
    • An link for the looser page
    • Set winners in Batch
  3. Problems

    • Decimal precision on Revenue per views
    • Not clear explanation Between Columns
      • Difference (Add to Cart/Unit Sold) - (Unique user per view/ Product Page views)
    • Price includes IVA?
    • Why some tests are not showing any data even after 2 days.
    • Not winner showing the winner after finished test ( Is this automatic)?
guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago


guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago

Pq o teste continua rodando mesmo depois de parado?

guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago

Agrupar testes por tags

guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago

An link for the looser page

guilhermeprokisch commented 2 years ago

colocar sentry