guillaume-chevalier / seq2seq-signal-prediction

Signal forecasting with a Sequence-to-Sequence (seq2seq) Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) model in TensorFlow - Guillaume Chevalier
Apache License 2.0
1.08k stars 294 forks source link

Different Length X, Y #1

Closed 0b01 closed 6 years ago

0b01 commented 7 years ago

Hello Guillaume,

It would be great if you could create a new exercise where you use 1000 points to predict 10. This would be immensely useful.

0b01 commented 7 years ago
sample_x, sample_y = generate_x_y_data(isTrain=True, batch_size=3)
print("Dimensions of the dataset for 3 X and 3 Y training examples : ")
print("(seq_length, batch_size, output_dim)")

# Internal neural network parameters
# Time series will have the same past and future (to be predicted) lenght.
seq_length_in = sample_x.shape[0]
seq_length_out = sample_y.shape[0]
batch_size = 5  # Low value used for live demo purposes - 100 and 1000 would be possible too, crank that up!

# Output dimension (e.g.: multiple signals at once, tied in time)
output_dim = input_dim = sample_x.shape[-1]
hidden_dim = 12  # Count of hidden neurons in the recurrent units.
# Number of stacked recurrent cells, on the neural depth axis.
layers_stacked_count = 2

# Optmizer:
learning_rate = 0.007  # Small lr helps not to diverge during training.
# How many times we perform a training step (therefore how many times we
# show a batch).
nb_iters = 150
lr_decay = 0.92  # default: 0.9 . Simulated annealing.
momentum = 0.5  # default: 0.0 . Momentum technique in weights update
lambda_l2_reg = 0.003  # L2 regularization of weights - avoids overfitting

# ## Definition of the seq2seq neuronal architecture
# <img src="" />
# Comparatively to what we see in the image, our neural network deals with
# signal rather than letters. Also, we don't have the feedback mechanism
# yet, which is to be implemented in the exercise 4. We do have the "GO"
# token however.

# In[4]:

# Backward compatibility for TensorFlow's version 0.12:
    tf.nn.seq2seq = tf.contrib.legacy_seq2seq
    tf.nn.rnn_cell = tf.contrib.rnn
    tf.nn.rnn_cell.GRUCell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell
    print("TensorFlow's version : 1.0 (or more)")
    print("TensorFlow's version : 0.12")

# In[5]:

# sess.close()
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

with tf.variable_scope('Seq2seq'):

    # Encoder: inputs
    enc_inp = [
        tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(
            None, input_dim), name="inp_{}".format(t))
        for t in range(seq_length_in)

    # Decoder: expected outputs
    expected_sparse_output = [
        tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=(None, output_dim),
        for t in range(seq_length_out)

    # Give a "GO" token to the decoder.
    # You might want to revise what is the appended value "+ enc_inp[:-1]".
    dec_inp = [tf.zeros_like(
        enc_inp[0], dtype=np.float32, name="GO")] + enc_inp[:seq_length_out-1]

    # Create a `layers_stacked_count` of stacked RNNs (GRU cells here).
    cells = []
    for i in range(layers_stacked_count):
        with tf.variable_scope('RNN_{}'.format(i)):
            # cells.append(tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell(...))
    cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell(cells)

    # For reshaping the input and output dimensions of the seq2seq RNN:
    w_in = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([input_dim, hidden_dim]))
    b_in = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([hidden_dim], mean=1.0))
    w_out = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([hidden_dim, output_dim]))
    b_out = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([output_dim]))

    reshaped_inputs = [tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(i, w_in) + b_in) for i in enc_inp]

    # Here, the encoder and the decoder uses the same cell, HOWEVER,
    # the weights aren't shared among the encoder and decoder, we have two
    # sets of weights created under the hood according to that function's def.
    dec_outputs, dec_memory = tf.nn.seq2seq.basic_rnn_seq2seq(

    output_scale_factor = tf.Variable(1.0, name="Output_ScaleFactor")
    # Final outputs: with linear rescaling similar to batch norm,
    # but without the "norm" part of batch normalization hehe.
    reshaped_outputs = [output_scale_factor *
                        (tf.matmul(i, w_out) + b_out) for i in dec_outputs]

# In[6]:

# Training loss and optimizer

with tf.variable_scope('Loss'):
    # L2 loss
    output_loss = 0
    for _y, _Y in zip(reshaped_outputs, expected_sparse_output):
        output_loss += tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.l2_loss(_y - _Y))

    # L2 regularization (to avoid overfitting and to have a  better
    # generalization capacity)
    reg_loss = 0
    for tf_var in tf.trainable_variables():
        if not ("Bias" in or "Output_" in
            reg_loss += tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.l2_loss(tf_var))

    loss = output_loss + lambda_l2_reg * reg_loss

with tf.variable_scope('Optimizer'):
    optimizer = tf.train.RMSPropOptimizer(
        learning_rate, decay=lr_decay, momentum=momentum)
    train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss)

# ## Training of the neural net

# In[7]:

def train_batch(batch_size):
    Training step that optimizes the weights
    provided some batch_size X and Y examples from the dataset.
    X, Y = generate_x_y_data(isTrain=True, batch_size=batch_size)
    feed_dict = {enc_inp[t]: X[t] for t in range(len(enc_inp))}
    feed_dict.update({expected_sparse_output[t]: Y[
                     t] for t in range(len(expected_sparse_output))})
    _, loss_t =[train_op, loss], feed_dict)
    return loss_t

def test_batch(batch_size):
    Test step, does NOT optimizes. Weights are frozen by not
    doing on the train_op.
    X, Y = generate_x_y_data(isTrain=False, batch_size=batch_size)
    feed_dict = {enc_inp[t]: X[t] for t in range(len(enc_inp))}
    feed_dict.update({expected_sparse_output[t]: Y[
                     t] for t in range(len(expected_sparse_output))})
    loss_t =[loss], feed_dict)
    return loss_t[0]

# Training
train_losses = []
test_losses = []
for t in range(nb_iters + 1):
    train_loss = train_batch(batch_size)

    if t % 10 == 0:
        # Tester
        test_loss = test_batch(batch_size)
        print("Step {}/{}, train loss: {}, \tTEST loss: {}".format(t,
                                                                   nb_iters, train_loss, test_loss))

print("Fin. train loss: {}, \tTEST loss: {}".format(train_loss, test_loss))

# In[8]:

# Plot loss over time:
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
    np.array(range(0, len(test_losses))) /
    float(len(test_losses) - 1) * (len(train_losses) - 1),
    label="Test loss"
    label="Train loss"
plt.title("Training errors over time (on a logarithmic scale)")

# In[9]:

# Test
nb_predictions = 5
print("Let's visualize {} predictions with our signals:".format(nb_predictions))

X, Y = generate_x_y_data(isTrain=False, batch_size=nb_predictions)
feed_dict = {enc_inp[t]: X[t] for t in range(seq_length_in)}
outputs = np.array([reshaped_outputs], feed_dict)[0])

for j in range(nb_predictions):
    plt.figure(figsize=(12, 3))

    for k in range(output_dim):
        past = X[:, j, k]
        expected = Y[:, j, k]
        pred = outputs[:, j, k]

        label1 = "Seen (past) values" if k == 0 else "_nolegend_"
        label2 = "True future values" if k == 0 else "_nolegend_"
        label3 = "Predictions" if k == 0 else "_nolegend_"
        plt.plot(range(len(past)), past, "o--b", label=label1)
        plt.plot(range(len(past), len(expected) + len(past)),
                 expected, "x--b", label=label2)
        plt.plot(range(len(past), len(pred) + len(past)),
                 pred, "o--y", label=label3)

    plt.title("Predictions v.s. true values")

print("Reminder: the signal can contain many dimensions at once.")
print("In that case, signals have the same color.")
print("In reality, we could imagine multiple stock market symbols evolving,")
print("tied in time together and seen at once by the neural network.")

# ## Author
# Guillaume Chevalier
# -
# -
# -

# In[10]:

# # Let's convert this notebook to a README for the GitHub project's title page:
# get_ipython().system('jupyter nbconvert --to markdown seq2seq.ipynb')
# get_ipython().system('mv')
guillaume-chevalier commented 7 years ago

I have added some contribution guidelines in case someone wants to add that.

@rickyhan By the way, for predictions done over long sequences such as 1000, the Phased LSTM (PLSTM) seems promising. PLSTMs could be added to the seq2seq architecture in the encoder part.

Deruijter commented 7 years ago

Would it be possible to extend the program to have a dynamic output size? A somewhat different implementation makes it possible using dynamic_rnn() (some examples here:

I'm fairly new to tensorflows seq2seq algorithm and am having trouble combining these solutions however. Would you have any ideas how to implement the dynamic output size in your code?