guillaumeblanc / ozz-animation

Open source c++ skeletal animation library and toolset
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Discover projects using ozz-animation #175

Open guillaumeblanc opened 6 months ago

guillaumeblanc commented 6 months ago

Dear community,

I'm initiating this thread out of curiosity, to discover what you're doing (or did) with ozz-animation. Old or new, big or small, throwaway or shipped by millions, please unveil your project along with a screenshot, a few words and a link if any, so everyone can discover it.

Looking forward to hearing from you. Cheers, Guillaume

skaarj1989 commented 6 months ago

I'm using ozz in my little engine: image

I've written a mesh converter. If anyone wants to use assimp with ozz take a look here:

Soon I'll try to add ragdoll support with Jolt physics

jankrassnigg commented 6 months ago

We are successfully and happily using it in ezEngine!

Unfortunately we don't have many free animated models with which we can show off the functionality, so I'm lacking cool screenshots, but you can see a bit in our documentation here. And for this sample project there is a video showing a simple animation setup in action.

There is much more that one can do, but I have no example at hand right now.

We mainly use animation playback, blending and additive clips. In the future I also want to integrate the IK functionality.

Ozz has been an absolute joy to work with, it is clean and to the point. It does what it's supposed to do, efficiently and easy to understand. It doesn't try to be too much, because all the high level functionality would differ in every engine anyway.

I am very happy to see that you are a bit more active again, even though there is really nothing that I'm missing from ozz, at the moment :)

arielm commented 6 months ago

I'm a programmer and artist and back to September 2022, I was still leaving in Israel, preoccupied by the military occupation of the West Bank by the IDF. So I created this animated NFT for the fxhash platform:

page 3 You can experiment with it directly on fxash. Click on the "run" button to start the animation, or the "variations" button to get another configuration (in term of animation or layout).

How it works? I have my own cross-platform engine which I use for my artworks. I hacked some basic support for ozz-animation, and then relied on mixamo for their "mannequin" character and a dozain of their soldier animations.

floooh commented 6 months ago

It's not a "usage" per-se, but I have a couple samples of how to integrate ozz-animation with the sokol cross-platform headers for rendering, maybe useful to some peeps. WASM/WebGL2 versions: => this sample might be interesting because it is rendering many characters each with their own animation state in a single draw call via hardware instancing and storing the animated bone matrices into a floating point texture (as a "poor man's" storage buffer replacement that also works in WebGL).

Click on src and glsl for the C/C++ and shader code.

The entire samples page is here:

image image image thing I'd like to try in the future is to move the animation evaluation to the GPU once compute shader support lands in sokol-gfx, this would mean replacing the animation code in ozz-anim entirely though, so I'm not yet sure about that idea ;)

BitBunch commented 6 months ago

We are a small team with big ambitions which makes it important for us to meticulously select where to spend our time. The open source community has great options in many area's which could help our project. We are currently investigating these options.

For skeleton animation, OZZ immediately caught our eye. Besides the many advanced animation features, things like memory allocators for close knitted integration into in-house technology. Also, the attention to pipelines connecting with industry standards and tools are important for smooth production. So far, we don't see opensource alternatives with (or without) a permissive license and the feature set of OZZ.

We're already looking forward to working with OZZ!

Deweh commented 6 months ago

I recently integrated OZZ into the Creation Engine for Starfield, utilizing the SFSE plugin system and an animation graph update hook. I was originally using a made-from-scratch animation system, but switched to OZZ for its performance & memory optimization, as well as its extensive blending solutions & built-in two-bone IK solver.

I don't have any impressive screenshots to share, but my hope is that it will allow users to create new & unique experiences within the game.

kylawl commented 6 months ago

We used Ozz for our indie game Lumote. We shipped on basically everything, PC, Switch, XBox, PS, even Stadia (lol). It's a great little animation package! Thanks Guillaume.
