guillaumechereau / goxel

Goxel: Free and Open Source 3D Voxel Editor
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.73k stars 219 forks source link

[Request] Adding a Homebrew cask #290

Closed DaSlang closed 1 year ago

DaSlang commented 1 year ago

Request Making the latest version of Goxel available through Homebrew.

Notes Does adding a Homebrew cask sounds like a good idea? If so I can create a pull request in the Homebrew repo and add a cask pointing to the latest released version of Goxel.

This would be the cask code

cask "goxel" do
  version "0.11.0"
  sha256 "4877eb6dad13fcccd6816f599312d6a1619634458c69c8465a1cf7cef0d675c1"

  url "{version}/goxel-#{version}",
      verified: ""
  name "Goxel"
  desc "Open Source Voxel Editor"
  homepage ""

  app ""

  zap trash: [
    "~/Library/Application Support/Goxel",
    "~/Library/Saved Application State/com.noctuasoftware.goxel.savedState",
guillaumechereau commented 1 year ago

Hello DaSlang. Would be great yes! Let me know if there are any change required in the code to make it easier.

DaSlang commented 1 year ago

Just created a pull request in the Homebrew repo.

I'll keep you posted on the results 😄

DaSlang commented 1 year ago

The cask has been merged! 🎉

With the latest version of Homebrew, the command brew install --cask goxel should install Goxel v0.11.0.

Whenever a new version get released, it's sufficient to maintain the cask by pointing to the latest .zip package on Github and updating the version number and the SHA checksum.

guillaumechereau commented 1 year ago

Nice! I'll check it out later on my mac.