guillaumegenthial / sequence_tagging

Named Entity Recognition (LSTM + CRF) - Tensorflow
Apache License 2.0
1.94k stars 703 forks source link

recipe for target 'run' failed #71

Closed shanalikhan closed 4 years ago

shanalikhan commented 5 years ago

Im getting the following error on make run

(nltk) shan@shan-HP-ZBook-15:~/Accelirate/sequence_tagging$ make run
Building vocab...
- done. 20312 tokens
Building vocab...
- done. 400000 tokens
Writing vocab...
- done. 17789 tokens
Writing vocab...
- done. 45 tokens
Writing vocab...
- done. 84 tokens
/home/shan/python-virtual-environments/nltk/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ UserWarning: Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. This may consume a large amount of memory.
  "Converting sparse IndexedSlices to a dense Tensor of unknown shape. "
Initializing tf session
2018-10-10 15:13:20.715735: I tensorflow/core/platform/] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA
Epoch 1 out of 15
702/702 [==============================] - 453s - train loss: 9.3642
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 26, in <module>
  File "", line 23, in main
    model.train(train, dev)
  File "/home/shan/Accelirate/sequence_tagging/model/", line 121, in train
    score = self.run_epoch(train, dev, epoch)
  File "/home/shan/Accelirate/sequence_tagging/model/", line 295, in run_epoch
    metrics = self.run_evaluate(dev)
  File "/home/shan/Accelirate/sequence_tagging/model/", line 324, in run_evaluate
    lab_chunks      = set(get_chunks(lab, self.config.vocab_tags))
  File "/home/shan/Accelirate/sequence_tagging/model/", line 398, in get_chunks
    default = tags[NONE]
KeyError: 'O'
makefile:7: recipe for target 'run' failed
make: *** [run] Error 1
liesun1994 commented 5 years ago

I had the same issue as you mentioned above.

maxindian commented 5 years ago

I had the same issue as you mentioned above

Zqy11 commented 5 years ago

The original format of CoNLL-2003 are as follows: Indian NNP I-NP I-MISC all-rounder NN I-NP O Phil NNP I-NP I-PER

The tag is in the fourth column, so you need to modify 'model/', in Line 75: word, tag = ls[0],ls[1]------->word, tag = ls[0],ls[3]

guillaumegenthial commented 5 years ago

This is an out-of-vocabulary issue (some tags are not in the vocab).