guillermomuntaner / Burritos

A collection of Swift Property Wrappers (formerly "Property Delegates")
MIT License
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The deploy target version is too high in the podspec #10

Closed Whirlwind closed 4 years ago

Whirlwind commented 4 years ago

The deployment target seems too high:

  s.ios.deployment_target = '13.0'
  s.osx.deployment_target = '10.15'
  s.tvos.deployment_target = '13.0'
  s.watchos.deployment_target = '6.0'

The wrapper is a compiler feature, not the runtime. Is it right?

lammertw commented 4 years ago

I'm running into the same problem. And the DynamicUIColor even has explicit support for versions before iOS 13. So why is the minimum target set to iOS 13?

RomanPodymov commented 4 years ago

Hello @Whirlwind Check the latest deployment targets:

s.ios.deployment_target = '8.0'
s.osx.deployment_target = '10.10'
s.tvos.deployment_target = '9.0'
s.watchos.deployment_target = '2.0'

However v.0.0.3 is not available via CocoaPods. @guillermomuntaner Could you please release v.0.0.3?

guillermomuntaner commented 4 years ago

Had issues with CocoaPods, will try again.

guillermomuntaner commented 4 years ago

@Whirlwind @lammertw @RomanPodymov just pushed 0.0.3 to cocoapods!